C++ unordered map for Python
Tested against Windows 10 / Python 3.11 / Anaconda / C++ 20 - MSVC
Cython and a C++ compiler must be installed!
from cppumap .um_int__int import Um_int_int
import numpy as np
di = {k : k + 1 for k in range (100 )}
di2 = {k : k - 100 for k in range (100 , 200 )}
stufftodeletelater = list (di2 .items ())
di .update (di2 )
m = Um_int_int (di )
print (m )
stufftodelete = list (range (20 ))
del m [stufftodelete ]
print (m )
values2delete = list (range (90 , 100 ))
m .del_by_values (values2delete )
print (m )
m .del_by_values (79 )
print (m )
m .del_by_key_and_value (stufftodeletelater )
print (m )
a = np .arange (100 , dtype = np .int32 )
b = np .arange (100 , dtype = np .int32 )
m .set_np (a , b )
print (m )
tuplelist = [(k , k + 1 ) for k in range (300 , 400 )]
m .set_tuple_list (tuplelist )
print (m )
print (m .getitems (a ))
print (m .sorted ())
for k , v in m .items ():
print (k , v )
for k in m :
print (k )
print (m .keys ())
print (m .values ())
di3 = {k : k - 100 for k in range (1000 , 1200 )}
m .update (di3 )
print (m )
cop = m .copy ()
print (cop )
m .append (100000 - 1 , 1 )
print (m )
my_results_apply_as_c_function = []
my_results_apply_as_c_pyfunction = []
my_results_apply_as_c_function_nogil = []
def apply_as_c_function (a ):
my_results_apply_as_c_function .append (a )
def apply_as_c_pyfunction (a ):
my_results_apply_as_c_pyfunction .append (a )
def apply_function (a , b ):
return b , a
def apply_as_c_function_nogil (a ):
my_results_apply_as_c_function_nogil .append (a ) # might not release the gil
results1 = m .apply_function (apply_function )
print (results1 )
m .apply_as_c_function (apply_as_c_function )
n2 = (
np .array ([q for q in my_results_apply_as_c_function if q is not None ], dtype = np .uint64 )
.view (np .int32 )
.reshape ((- 1 , 2 ))
m .apply_as_c_pyfunction (apply_as_c_pyfunction )
n1 = (
np .array (
[q for q in my_results_apply_as_c_pyfunction if q is not None ], dtype = np .uint64
.view (np .int32 )
.reshape ((- 1 , 2 ))
m .apply_as_c_function_nogil (apply_as_c_function_nogil )
n3 = (
np .array (
[q for q in my_results_apply_as_c_function_nogil if q is not None ],
dtype = np .uint64 ,
.view (np .int32 )
.reshape ((- 1 , 2 ))
m .pop (9999 )