
CraftDL is a library for quickly solving simple & common deep learning tasks

pip install craftdl==0.1.0



What is this?

CraftDL is a library for quickly solving simple & common deep learning tasks.


You will need Python >= 3.9 and some recent version of pip (e.g. pip >= 20.0) to use this library.


You can install CraftDL using the pip package manager:

pip install craftdl

Basic example

Here is an example for how you might want to use CraftDL:

from craftdl import *

# Obtain the dataset
inputs, targets = circles_dataset(rs=[1, 3], ns=[50, 50])

# Create a train-test split
(inputs_train, targets_train), (inputs_test, targets_test) = train_test_split(inputs, targets)

# Plot the train and test datasets
plot_labels(inputs_train, targets_train)
plot_labels(inputs_test, targets_test)

# Create and fit a LinearClassificationNet
model = LinearClassificationNet(2, [6], 1)
losses =, targets_train, 100, lr=1.0)

# Plot the losses

# Get the accuracy on the test dataset
accuracy = model.accuracy(inputs_test, targets_test)
print(f"accuracy on test set={accuracy}")

# Get the predictions on the test dataset
predictions_test = model.predict(inputs_test)

# Show the decision boundary
x1_grid, x2_grid, predictions_grid = model.predict_grid(-4, 4, -4, 4)
    inputs_test, targets_test, x1_grid, x2_grid, predictions_grid

You should get a bunch of images along with a low loss and a high accuracy on the test set.

The training dataset:

The testing dataset:

The loss plot:

The decision surface:

Matplotlib backend for plotting

The plotting facilities of CraftDL are built on top of matplotlib. Therefore you need an appropriate matplotlib backend. If you encounter weird matplotlib errors when trying to call a plotting function, you most probably don't have the appropriate backend installed on selected.

Usually you want to use the TkAgg backend. You can use it like this:

import matplotlib