A command-line tool to create a Multipass instance and transfer a project to test to the newly created instance

cli, cli-tool, multipass, python, python3, testing
pip install crash-test-multipass==1.2




Crashtest is a command-line tool to create a Multipass instance and transfer a project to test to the newly created instance.



$ pip3 install --upgrade crash-test-multipass

NOTE: After installing crash-test-multipass with pip if you have not added ~/.local/bin (macOS/Linux) to $PATH you will be asked to do so with a warning that should look like this:

WARNING: The script crash-test-multipass is installed in '/home/ubuntu/.local/bin' which is not on PATH.
Consider adding this directory to PATH or, if you prefer to suppress this warning, use --no-warn-script-location.


Create a new instance and transfer a project

$ crashtest --instance-name INSTANCE_NAME --project PROJECT

Create a new instance, transfer a project and install the dependencies

NOTE: To install npm package dependencies, the latest stable version of nvm will be installed in the new multipass instance, which will install the latest LTS version of Node.

$ crashtest --instance-name INSTANCE_NAME --project PROJECT --install-dependencies

Execute a custom script

The script is executed in the home folder

$ crashtest --instance-name INSTANCE_NAME --project PROJECT --script SCRIPT

Delete the instance after finishing to test

$ crashtest --instance-name INSTANCE_NAME --project PROJECT --delete


If you would like to contribute to this project just create a pull request which I will try to review as soon as possible.