
A Python wrapper for opening files and folders with the native file dialog.

pip install crossfiledialog==0.2.0



A Python wrapper for opening files and folders with the native file dialog.

Makes it easy to prompt the user with a native filepicker on all supported platforms.

Currently supports:

  • Zenity (GTK)
  • KDialog (KDE)
  • Windows 2000 and newer (via PyWin32)

Basic API usage:

import crossfiledialog

filename = crossfiledialog.open_file()
multiple_filenames = crossfiledialog.open_multiple()
save_filename = crossfiledialog.save_file()
foldername = crossfiledialog.choose_folder()


crossfiledialog.open_file(title, start_dir, filter) -> str

Open a file selection dialog for selecting a file.


  • title (str, optional) — The title of the file selection dialog. Default is 'Choose a file'
  • start_dir (str, optional) — The starting directory for the dialog.
  • filter (str, list, dict, optional) — The filter for file types to display. It can be either:
    • a single wildcard (e.g.: "*.py", all files are displayed ending .py)
    • a list of wildcards (e.g.: ["*.py" "*.md"], all files are displayed ending either .py or .md)
    • a list of list optional one or more wildcards (e.g.: [["*.py", "*.md"], ["*.txt"]], user can switch between (.py, .md) and (.txt))
    • a dictionary mapping descriptions to wildcards (e.g.: {"PDF-Files": "*.pdf", "Python Project": ["\*.py", "*.md"]})


  • str: The selected file's path.

crossfiledialog.open_multiple(title, start_dir, filter) -> list[str]

Open a file selection dialog for selecting multiple files.


  • title (str, optional) — The title of the file selection dialog. Default is 'Choose one or more files'
  • start_dir (str, optional) — The starting directory for the dialog.
  • filter (str, list, dict, optional) — The filter for file types to display. It can be either:
    • a single wildcard (e.g.: "*.py", all files are displayed ending .py)
    • a list of wildcards (e.g.: ["*.py" "*.md"], all files are displayed ending either .py or .md)
    • a list of list optional one or more wildcards (e.g.: [["*.py", "*.md"], ["*.txt"]], user can switch between (.py, .md) and (.txt))
    • a dictionary mapping descriptions to wildcards (e.g.: {"PDF-Files": "*.pdf", "Python Project": ["\*.py", "*.md"]})


  • list[str]: A list of selected file paths.

crossfiledialog.save_file(title, start_dir) -> str

Open a save file dialog.


  • title (str, optional) — The title of the file selection dialog. Default is 'Enter the name of the file to save to'
  • start_dir (str, optional) — The starting directory for the dialog.


  • str: The selected file's path for saving.

crossfiledialog.save_file(title, start_dir) -> str

Open a folder selection dialog.


  • title (str, optional) — The title of the file selection dialog. Default is 'Choose a folder'
  • start_dir (str, optional) — The starting directory for the dialog.


  • str: The selected folder's path.


Licensed under the GNU GPL 3.0