
A descriptive ORM for Python

pip install crude-orm==1.0.3


Crude: A Descriptive ORM for Python

Crude is a simple, lightweight ORM for Python which owes its ease-of-use to the fact that it is a descriptive ORM rather than a prescriptive one. What does that mean? It means you can connect to your existing database, and Crude will automatically generate an API in which you can interact with your data in an object-oriented manner:

from crude-orm import connect

table_builder = connect("./mydatabase.db")          # Your SQLite Database
MyTable = table_builder.create("mytable")           # A table in your database
my_record = Mytable.load(myPrimaryKeyColumn=1)      # Load using primary key(s)  
value = my_record.myTextColumn                      # Read from DB
my_record.myTextColumn = "Hello, world"             # Write to DB

Krude currently supports all CRUD operations on Sqlite databases. Further operations and database engines will be supported soon.

Download and Install

The latest stable version of Krude can be installed using pip install krude. You may also download all releases from the official GitHub repository.

Homepage and Documentation

The official Crude homepage, as well as the latest API documentation, can be found at