Tool for show your cryptocoins portfolio. Easily integrates with conky or geektool.
- Show balance on coin wallets,exchanges and mining pools
- Safe. Does not need private keys or any wallet access, for exchanges you can use read-only keys
- Automatically find all tokens on ethereum or stellar wallets
- Show your owned balance from shared wallet by settings percent-owned
- Simple api easy to use as library in your project
- Coins and tokens information from or
Supported wallets:
Cryptoportfolio can show your coins from wallets and mining pools.
See full list of supported coins in configuration-groups
Set up
$ pip install cryptoportfolio
Read configuration and configuration-groups for detailed info.
Fast example in sample.yml
Read commandline for commandline options and flags. Or simply run cryptoportfolio --help
Show portfolio
$ cryptoportfolio ./conf.yml --sort -T
BTC 4352.8092 30202532.40$
ETH 2399.3909 1674997.95$
CANDY 153625956.0001 129504.23$
CNX 1000.0000 5728.26$
ACC 352.0962 2671.31$
OMG 218.8423 2099.82$
PYN 385.1521 0.00$
MNTP 0.1001 0.00$
AiO 11970.0000 0.00$
ZIBER 468.5654 0.00$
٨ 5300000.0000 0.00$
Total: 32021331.96$