
Regular Fractional Factorial two-level designs from the paper of Chen, Sun and Wu (1993)

catalog, design-of-experiments, doe, python
pip install csw93==0.5.1


csw93 - Chen, Sun and Wu (1993)

PyPI Documentation Status Build Status Code style: black

CSW93 is a Python package that makes availalble the design matrices of all regular fractional factorial two-level designs from the 1993 paper of Chen, Sun and Wu: "A catalogue of two-level and three-level fractional factorial designs with small runs". For more information about the package and its functions, see the documentation.


Use the package manager pip to install csw93.

pip install csw93


The pakage provides three functions to get

  • The design matrix,
  • The word length pattern,
  • The number of clear two-factor interactions,

using only the number of runs and the index of the design. This index corresponds to the first column in all tables of all tables from the paper.

import csw93

# Design matrix of the 16-run design with index 8-4.1
csw93.get_design(16, "8-4.1")

# Word length pattern of the 32-run design with index 15-10.2
csw93.get_wlp(32, "8-4.1")

# Number of clear two-factor interactions for the 64-run design 11-5.10
csw93.get_cfi(64, "11-5.10")


Code style

Try to follow the PEP 8 style guide. A useful tool for automated formatting is black.

Submitting code

If you would like to contribute, please submit a pull request. See the Github Hello World example, if you are new to Github. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. By contributing to the repository you state you own the copyright to those contributions and agree to include your contributions as part of this project under the MIT license.


If you contribute, please make sure to update the tests aproprietly. Continuous integration is performed on Travis-CI. To perform tests run pytest. To obtain a coverage report in html, run

coverage run -m pytest .
coverage html


For further information please contact Alexandre Bohyn, alexandre.bohyn at kuleuven.be




List of the changes that will be implemented later on:

  • Write detailled documentation for readthedocs


  • 0.6 : Addition of word2num and num2word functions
  • 0.5 : Remove unused function from docs
  • 0.4: fix wrong column numbers and added Xu 2009 to the database (not available as function yet)
  • 0.3: Integration to readthedocs.io
  • 0.2: Correct WLP
  • 0.1: initial version