
A set of basic objects for storing and querying stock market company and sectors

pip install ctf-stockobjects==0.0.4



A simple set of objects for representing stock and sector objects in Python.

Learning intention

  1. Packaging my own reusable modules
  2. Working towards mastery of OO in Python - more advance scoping, testing, inversion of control, dunder methods
  3. More advanced testing approaches


  1. More testing
  2. Use mocking
  3. Additional validation for dates and checking that exceptions are raised in all edge cases
  4. Moving from dict to custom objects for quote collections so that I can use built-in methods via dunders and type hinting for how to interact (dicts provide no hints)


Data structure

SectorCollection object contains 0:m Sector objects Sector object contains 0:m SectorQuote objects Sector object contains 0:m Company objects Company object contains 0:m CompanyQuote objects


Instantiate the SectorCollection. A better name (todo!) would be Market instead of SectorCollection
my_collection = SectorCollection(name="My first collection")

Instantiate a sector to add to the SectorCollection
my_sector = Sector(sector_name="Fruit sector", sector_code="xbf") my_collection.add_sector(my_sector)

Instantiate a company and add it to the sector
my_company = Company(company_name="Banana company", company_code="ban", sector_object=my_sector) my_collection.get_sector(my_sector.sector_code).add_company(my_company)

From here, instantiate SectorQuotes and Company quotes And then start querying them