
A command-line tool for searching Call of Ctulhu CCG and LCG cards.

call, of, cthulhu, lcg, ccg
pip install cthulhucli==0.2.0


Cthulhu CLI

A command line interface for browsing cards for Call of Cthulhu LCG and CCG.


Because CardGameDB does not list cards from the CCG era.

Cthulhu CLI also has the ability produce card count breakdowns based on a selected field, with the --count option.


Cthulhu CLI can be installed from PyPI using pip:

sudo pip install cthulhucli


Cthulhu CLI has the following options as given by the --help option:

$ cthulhucli --help
Usage: cthulhucli [OPTIONS] [SEARCH]...

  A command line interface for Call of Cthulhu LCG and CCG.

  The default search argument matches cards against their name, text or
  subtypes. See below for more options.

  Options marked with inclusive or exclusive can be repeated to further
  include or exclude cards, respectively.

  For help and bug reports visit the project on GitHub:

  --brief                         Show brief card data.
  --case                          Use case sensitive matching.
  --cost NUMBER COMPARISON        Find cards whose cost matches the expression
  --count TEXT                    Show card count breakdown for given field.
                                  Increase verbosity to also show individual
                                  cards. Possible fields are: arcane, combat,
                                  cost, faction, investigation, name,
                                  restricted, skill, terror, type, unique,
  --exact                         Use exact matching.
  -f, --faction TEXT              Find cards with given faction (inclusive).
                                  Possible factions are: Agency, Cthulhu,
                                  Hastur, Lodge, Miskatonic University,
                                  Neutral, Shub-Niggurath, Silver Twilight,
                                  Syndicate, The Agency, Yog-Sothoth.
  --faction-isnt TEXT             Find cards with other than given faction
  --group TEXT                    Sort resulting cards by the given field and
                                  print group headers. Possible fields are:
                                  arcane, combat, cost, faction,
                                  investigation, name, restricted, skill,
                                  terror, type, unique, era.
  --inclusive                     Treat multiple options of the same type as
                                  inclusive rather than exclusive. (Or-logic
                                  instead of and-logic.)
  --include-draft                 Include cards only legal in draft format.
  --name TEXT                     Find cards with matching name. (This is the
                                  default search.)
  --non-unique                    Find non-unique cards.
  -r, --regex                     Use regular expression matching.
  --set TEXT                      Find cards from matching expansion sets
                                  (inclusive). Implies --include-draft.
  --show TEXT                     Show only given fields in non-verbose mode.
                                  Possible fields are: arcane, combat, cost,
                                  faction, investigation, name, restricted,
                                  skill, terror, type, unique, era.
  --sort TEXT                     Sort resulting cards by the given field.
                                  Possible fields are: arcane, combat, cost,
                                  faction, investigation, name, skill, terror,
  --skill NUMBER COMPARISON       Find cards whose Skill matches the
                                  expression (inclusive).
  --terror NUMBER COMPARISON      Find cards whose Terror matches the
                                  expression (inclusive).
  --combat NUMBER COMPARISON      Find cards whose Combat matches the
                                  expression (inclusive).
  --arcane NUMBER COMPARISON      Find cards whose Arcane matches the
                                  expression (inclusive).
  --investigation NUMBER COMPARISON
                                  Find cards whose Investigation matches the
                                  expression (inclusive).
  --text TEXT                     Find cards with matching text (exclusive).
  --text-isnt TEXT                Find cards without matching text
  --subtype TEXT                  Find cards with matching subtype
  --subtype-isnt TEXT             Find cards without matching subtype
  --keyword TEXT                  Find cards with matching keyword
                                  (exclusive). Possible fields are: fast,
                                  steadfast, toughness, transient, willpower,
                                  heroic, villainous, invulnerability, loyal.
  --keyword-isnt TEXT             Find cards without matching keyword
                                  (exclusive). Possible fields are: fast,
                                  steadfast, toughness, transient, willpower,
                                  heroic, villainous, invulnerability, loyal.
  -t, --type TEXT                 Find cards with matching card type
                                  (inclusive). Possible types are: Character,
                                  Conspiracy, Event, Story, Support.
  --unique                        Find unique cards.
  -v, --verbose                   Show more card data.
  --era [All|CCG|LCG]             Specify which era of cards to search.
                                  [default: LCG]
  --version                       Show the cthulhucli version: 0.1.0.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


Find a card by its name:

$ cthulhucli Carl
Carl Stanford: Unique. Cthulhu. Character. 3 Cost. 3 Skill. (T)(A).
Carl Stanford: Unique. Silver Twilight. Character. 3 Cost. 3 Skill. (C)(A)(I).

Use the -v flag to show more card data:

$ cthulhucli Carl -v
Carl Stanford
Deathless Fanatic
Action: Sacrifice a Cultist character or Mask card to have Carl Stanford gain (C)(C)(A)(A) until the end of the phase.
Unique: Yes
Faction: Cthulhu
Type: Character
Cost: 3
Skill: 3
Icons: (T)(A)

Carl Stanford
Sinister, not necessarily Evil
Lodge. Sorcerer.
The cost of non-[Silver Twilight] characters cannot be lowered.
Action: Pay 1 to choose a Spell or Ritual card in your discard pile and add it to your hand. Limit once per turn.
Unique: Yes
Faction: Silver Twilight
Type: Character
Cost: 3
Skill: 3
Icons: (C)(A)(I)

Total count: 2

Use it multiple times for even more card data:

$ cthulhucli Carl -vv
Carl Stanford
Deathless Fanatic
Action: Sacrifice a Cultist character or Mask card to have Carl Stanford gain (C)(C)(A)(A) until the end of the phase.
Unique: Yes
Faction: Cthulhu
Type: Character
Cost: 3
Transient: No
Steadfast: No
Skill: 3
Icons: (T)(A)
Era: LCG
Set: Secrets of Arkham
Card #: 028
Illustrator: Sylvain Vialla
Restricted: No
Banned: No

Carl Stanford
Sinister, not necessarily Evil
Lodge. Sorcerer.
The cost of non-[Silver Twilight] characters cannot be lowered.
Action: Pay 1 to choose a Spell or Ritual card in your discard pile and add it to your hand. Limit once per turn.
Unique: Yes
Faction: Silver Twilight
Type: Character
Cost: 3
Transient: No
Steadfast: No
Skill: 3
Icons: (C)(A)(I)
Era: LCG
Set: Seekers of Knowledge
Card #: 051
Illustrator: Bryce Cook
Restricted: No
Banned: No

Total count: 2

Use filtering options to limit the results.

$ cthulhucli --subtype investigator --combat ">=2" --faction-isnt neutral --non-unique
Peeler: The Agency. Character. 2 Cost. 1 Skill. (C)(C).
Freelance Photographer: Syndicate. Character. 4 Cost. 2 Skill. (C)(C)(I).
Safari Hunter: The Agency. Character. 3 Cost. 3 Skill. (C)(C)(C).
Night-shift Security: The Agency. Character. 3 Cost. 3 Skill. (C)(C)(C).
Keen-eyed Detective: The Agency. Character. 3 Cost. 3 Skill. (C)(C).
Crooked Cop: The Agency. Character. 3 Cost. 2 Skill. (C)(C).

Total count: 6

Use --sort to sort the results.

$ cthulhucli --subtype investigator --combat ">=2" --faction-isnt neutral --non-unique --sort cost
Peeler: The Agency. Character. 2 Cost. 1 Skill. (C)(C).
Safari Hunter: The Agency. Character. 3 Cost. 3 Skill. (C)(C)(C).
Night-shift Security: The Agency. Character. 3 Cost. 3 Skill. (C)(C)(C).
Keen-eyed Detective: The Agency. Character. 3 Cost. 3 Skill. (C)(C).
Crooked Cop: The Agency. Character. 3 Cost. 2 Skill. (C)(C).
Freelance Photographer: Syndicate. Character. 4 Cost. 2 Skill. (C)(C)(I).

Total count: 6

Use --group to visibly divide the results:

$ cthulhucli --subtype investigator --combat ">=2" --faction-isnt neutral --non-unique --group faction --group cost
[ Syndicate | 4 Cost ]

Freelance Photographer: Syndicate. Character. 4 Cost. 2 Skill. (C)(C)(I).

[ The Agency | 2 Cost ]

Peeler: The Agency. Character. 2 Cost. 1 Skill. (C)(C).

[ The Agency | 3 Cost ]

Safari Hunter: The Agency. Character. 3 Cost. 3 Skill. (C)(C)(C).
Night-shift Security: The Agency. Character. 3 Cost. 3 Skill. (C)(C)(C).
Keen-eyed Detective: The Agency. Character. 3 Cost. 3 Skill. (C)(C).
Crooked Cop: The Agency. Character. 3 Cost. 2 Skill. (C)(C).

Total count: 6

Use --count to break down the results into statistics.

$ cthulhucli -f misk --count keyword --count icons
[ Keyword counts ]

Willpower:       11
Heroic:          8
Loyal:           6
Toughness:       5
Fast:            2
Invulnerability: 2
Villainous:      1
Resilient:       1

[ Icons counts ]

(A)(I):          23
(I):             10
(C)(A)(I):       7
(A)(I)(I):       7
No Icons:        6
(I)(I):          6
(A)(A)(I):       6
(A):             5
(A)(A):          5
(C)(I)(I):       3
(C)(I):          3
(A)(A)(A):       2
(C):             2
(C)(C)(A):       2
(A)(A)(I)(I):    2
(C)(A):          2
(C)(C)(I):       1
(C)(C)(A)(I):    1
(I)(I)(I):       1
(C)(C):          1
(C)(A)(A)(I):    1
(A)(A)(I)(I)(I): 1

Total count: 97

Use --regex for advanced search patterns.

$ cthulhucli --text 'put into play .*? from your hand' --regex -v
Rampaging Dark Young
Servitor. Dark Young.
Toughness +2.
Response: After Rampaging Dark Young is placed in the discard pile from play, put into play a character with printed cost 3 or lower from your hand or discard pile.
Unique: No
Faction: Shub-Niggurath
Type: Character
Cost: 5
Skill: 5
Icons: (C)

Dark Mistress of the Woods
Ancient One.
Villainous. Invulnerability.
Action: Pay 2 to put into play any number of Dark Young characters from your hand and discard pile.
Unique: Yes
Faction: Shub-Niggurath
Type: Character
Cost: 6
Skill: 8
Icons: (T)(T)(C)(C)(A)

The Tablets of Nhing
Lost Knowledge
Fated 3.
Response: After a character you control is destroyed, exhaust The Tablets of Nhing to put into play a character from your hand whose cost is lower than the destroyed character. Then, place
1 success token on The Tablets of Nhing.
Unique: Yes
Faction: Silver Twilight
Type: Support
Cost: 2

Total count: 3

Use --era to search old CCG cards as well.

$ cthulhucli --era ccg --count set
[ Set counts ]

Arkham Edition:           251
Eldritch Edition:         251
Unspeakable Tales:        145
Forbidden Relics:         145
Masks of Nyarlathotep:    145
Forgotten Cities:         144
Promos:                   23
Dunwich Denizens:         20
Conspiracies of Chaos:    20
Spawn of Madness:         20
Kingsport Dreams:         20
Arkham Premium Edition:   10
Eldritch Premium Edition: 10

Total count: 1204
