CUDA functions
This is a collection of python functions written with CUDA, using cuFFT and cuBLAS libraries. The interface with Python is written using the Python C API.
These functions intend to mimic the behavior of numpy functions: fft and correlate using the power of GPU.
Included functions
- Fast Fourier transform (Complex only)
- cuda_fft (single/double precision Fourier transfom)
- cuda_ifft (single/double precision inverse Fourier transfom)
- Autocorrelation functions (Real and complex)
- cuda_acorrelate (single/double precision autocorrelation function)
Run script to compile only (testing)
python build_ext --inplace -
To install the module on your system use distutils as usual:
python install --user -
Now module is available on PyPI
pip install cuda_functions -
Run and check included python scripts as example
Contact info
Abel Carreras
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Kyoto University