
A command-line interface for preparing and outputting Cumulus Messages for Cumulus Tasks

nasa, cumulus, message, adapter, nasa-cumulus
pip install cumulus-message-adapter==2.0.4


Cumulus Message Adapter


cumulus-message-adapter is a command-line interface for preparing and outputting Cumulus Messages for Cumulus Tasks. cumulus-message-adapter helps Cumulus developers integrate a task into a Cumulus Workflow.

Read more about how the cumulus-message-adapter works in the


Release Versions

Please note the following convention for release versions:

X.Y.Z: where:

  • X is an organizational release that signifies the completion of a core set of functionality
  • Y is a major version release that may include incompatible API changes and/or other breaking changes
  • Z is a minor version that includes bugfixes and backwards compatible improvements

Continuous Integration

CircleCI manages releases and release assets.

Whenever CircleCI passes on the master branch of cumulus-message-adapter and message_adapter/ has been updated with a version that doesn't match an existing tag, CircleCI will:

  • Create a new tag with tag_name of the string in message_adapter/
  • Create a new release using the new tag, with a name equal to tag_name (equal to version).
  • Build a file and attach it as a release asset to the newly created release. The zip file is created using the Makefile in the root of this repository.

These steps are fully detailed in the .circleci/config.yml file.


Dependency Installation

pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt

Running Tests

Running tests requires localstack.

Tests only require localstack running S3, which can be initiated with the following command:


And then you can check tests pass with the following nosetests command:

CUMULUS_ENV=testing nose2 -v


pylint message_adapter


If changes are made to the codebase, you can create the cumulus-message-adapter zip archive for testing libraries that require it:

make clean

Then you can run some integration tests:


Before any changes are finalized and released, they should be tested by packaging the cumulus-message-adapter zip archive and testing it in a lambda environment, as that is where it will be utilized.


Packaging the zip file is probably best done in an environment that closely matches the lambda environment in which it will be run and contains the current Python version, so we are using an AWS Python Lambda image. Certain packages need to be installed, and using a virtual environment is important due to Python pathing.

docker run -v ~/projects/cumulus-message-adapter/:/cma/ -v ~/tmp/:/tmp/ -v ~/amazon/:/home/amazon/ -it --entrypoint /bin/bash amazon/aws-lambda-python:3.10
yum install -y make binutils zip
cd /cma
pip install --user virtualenv
~/.local/bin/virtualenv ~/venv310
. ~/venv310/bin/activate
pip install .
make clean

Testing the package in a Lambda Environment

Once the package is created, it should be tested in a Lambda environment. Before doing so, it may be helpful to run the package in the container it was packaged in, immediately after the above commands to see if any errors occur, which will indicate an issue in creating the package ./dist/cma stream.

If no errors occur immediately, you can optionally test the zip in an AWS Lambda NodeJS image, as that is the target environment. Running in an image may allow for quicker testing and development, but testing in AWS should still be the final test.

docker run -v ~/projects/cumulus-message-adapter:/zipfile --entrypoint /
bin/bash -it amazon/aws-lambda-nodejs:16
cd /zipfile
cp -r dist /opt/
cd /opt/dist
./cma stream

Testing the package in AWS Lambda requires uploading the zip as a layer and then running a Cumulus step function that utilizes that layer. The following instructions are for Cumulus Core team members that have access to a layer specifically set up for this purpose.

  • In the AWS console, go to Lambda > Layers > CMA_Test
  • Create a new version by uploading the cumulus-message-adapater zip file packaged earlier
  • In your /cumulus-tf/terraform.tfvars, replace the cumulus_message_adapter_lambda_layer_version_arn value with the newly created Version ARN
  • Apply the change with terraform apply
  • Find any recent successfully run Step Function, and run a New Execution. The 'Functions using this version' tab of the CMA_TEST layer should provide some options.


  • Error: "DistutilsOptionError: must supply either home or prefix/exec-prefix — not both" when running make