
A Python SDK for fetching news sentiment data as positive, negative and neutral sentiment scores for a given stock.

stock-market, stock-market-analysis, stock-market-sentiment
pip install dalalstreet-news-sentiment==0.1.0


Dalalstreet.ai - News Sentiment Data Python SDK

The News Sentiment Data SDK is a Python package that allows you to interact with the News Sentiment Data API. The SDK provides an easy-to-use interface for fetching news sentiment data related to specific stocks from the API.


Install the package using pip:

pip install dalalstreet-news-sentiment==0.1.0

The SDK requires the requests library, which will be installed automatically as a dependency.


Import the NewsSentimentDataSDK class from the package and create a new instance:

from news_sentiment_data_sdk.news_sentiment_data import NewsSentimentDataSDK

platform_token = "your-platform-token" # Replace with your actual platform token (mandatory)

newsSentimentData = NewsSentimentDataSDK()

Make sure to replace "your-platform-token" with your actual platform token.

To fetch sentiment data, call the fetch_sentiment_data method with the required parameters:

stock_name = "AAPL"   # Replace with the stock symbol or name for which you want to fetch sentiment data (optional)
news_sources = ["source1", "source2"] # Replace with a list of news sources to filter the sentiment data (optional)

    sentiment_data = sdk.fetch_sentiment_data(platform_token, stock_name, news_sources)
    print("Sentiment data:", sentiment_data)
except ValueError as e:
    print(f"Error: {e}")


The fetch_sentiment_data method accepts the following parameters:

  • platform_token (mandatory, string): The platform token used for authentication.
  • stock_name (optinal, string): The stock symbol or name for which you want to fetch sentiment data.
  • news_sources (optional, list of strings): A list of news sources to filter the sentiment data. If not provided, all sources will be considered.


This SDK is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.

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