
A different python wrapper to access weather data provided by DarkSky.net

pip install darkskypy==0.3.1


DarkSkyPy - Python 3

A Different Python3 wrapper for the DarkSky.net API.

Rewriting the API to reduce clutter and make obtaining data much more flexible. Based heavily off David Ervideira's forecastiopy.

This API is a work in progress, still very rough not guaranteed to work. Please use forecastiopy (python2.7) or forecastiopy3 (python3) if you actually need an API

Powered by Dark Sky

Quick Start:

Install the package:

python setup.py install

Get the coordinates of your location, let's say Lisbon:

>>> Lisbon = [38.7252993, -9.1500364]

Get the current temperature and precipitation probability:

>>> from darkskypy import DarkSky
>>> ds = DarkSky(Lisbon, key=YOUR_APY_KEY)
>>> current_temp = ds.forecast.currently.temperature
>>> print('Temperature:', current_temp)
Temperature: 11.07
>>> print('Precipitation Probability:', ds.forecast.currently.precipProbability)
Precipitation Probability: 0.29


  • Read Data Points and Data blocks from the DarkSky.net API.

Sets up a a hierarchical dictionary object that allows easy access to the currently, minutely, hourly, daily, etc. reports with their nested data. Data can be accessed directly by attributes as a AttrDict object. See Package for more information on how AttrDict works.

Please refer to the API docs https://darksky.net/dev/docs/forecast for better understanding of how the Forecast Request is structured and what parameters can be set.

To Do:

  • Actually test this API
  • Fix, setup.py
  • Improve the docstrings


API Overview

Setting API Key The required API key can be passed as a kwarg or stored on in your system's environmental variables.

$ export DARKSKY_API_KEY=<API Key>

Initialize the DarkSky class The location should be provided as a list of [latitude,longitude]. Coordinates can be easily obtained from a Geocoding API such as geocoder. Optional Parameters are passed as kwargs following the API doc.

import darkskypy
import geocoder

g = geocoder.google('Washington, DC')

ds = darkskypy.DarkSky(g.latlng, exclude='minutely,hourly', units='si')
# g.latlng >>> [38.9071923, -77.0368707]
# excludes minutely and hourly data blocks and reports in si units.

Get Currently weather data for the requested location

if ds.forecast.currently is True:
    for element in ds.forecast.currently:
        print(element + ' : ' + str(ds.forecast.currently[element]))
    # Or access attributes directly
    print('No Currently data')

Get Daily weather data for the requested location The data blocks for Minutely, hourly, and daily data are dictionary sequences that represent each time unit. (i.e. hourly: hours in day, Daily: days in week)

if ds.forecast.daily is True:
    print('Summary:', ds.forecast.daily.summary)
    print('Icon:', ds.forecast.daily.icon)
  # these would relate to the whole Daily block i.e. "the week"

    for day in ds.forecast.daily.data:
    print('Day summary: '+ day.summary)
    # prints the 'summary' for each day

  #accessed directly
    print('No Daily data')

Alerts and Flags weather data should work just like Flags and the other ones, but at the time I am writing this, I could not find a location with alerts to test on.

A note on time The API returns time in unix time. Although this is a good computer format, it is not particulary human-readable. The datatime module can be used to get a more useful format.

import datetime

time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(currently.time).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
print('unix time:', currently.time)
print('time:', time)

Output should be like:

unix time: 1448234556
time: 2015-11-22 23:22:36


Please report any issues at Github