
Third-party vendoring helper for Google App Engine and other sandboxed python environments.

pip install darth==0.0.6



Third-party vendoring helper for Google App Engine and other sandboxed python environments.

Hey, you! LISTEN!

Darth is now part of the official Google App Engine SDK. You don't need this library!

To use with GAE, just create a appengine_config.py file like this:

from google.appengine.ext import vendor


And pip with -t lib to install packages:

$ pip install -t lib gcloud

You can read more about vendoring in the official docs.


The easiest way to use darth is to install it globally on your system (this may require sudo):

$ pip install darth

And then run the darth-bootstrap script in your project:

$ cd my-appengine-project
$ darth-bootstrap

This script will copy darth.py to your project and create an appengine_config.py if needed.

Alternatively, you can install darth directly into your project and create appengine_config.py manually.

$ cd my-appengine-project
$ pip install -t . darth


If you used the darth-bootstrap script it will automatically create the appropriate appengine-config.py for you. If you already have an appengine-config.py or if you installed with the alternative method, you'll need to add these lines to your appengine_config.py to enable third-party packages:

import darth

You can replace lib with the folder you have chosen to store third-party packages in.

Installing packages

Install packages using pip with the --target or -t option.

pip install --target lib protopigeon