
Package for working with databases in Python, based on pandas and sqlalchemy.

Database, MySQL, Python, pandas
pip install database-pandas==1.0.3



Package for working with databases in Python, based on pandas and sqlalchemy.


This package is created for:

  1. Connection simplification between database and python(mostly jupyter notebook)
  2. More convinient way for select and insert statements

Package is based on sqlaclhemy and pandas.


Right now consists of 1 class only(for MySQL database):

You can import class the following way:

from database_pandas import MySQLDatabase

MySQLDatabase class consists of the following arguments(user-defined):

  1. database - schema name.
  2. drivername - in this cas mysql.
  3. username - username of the database.
  4. password - password to the database.
  5. host - host of the database.

MySQLDatabase class consists of following functions:

  1. get_url - retrieves back connection string to your database.
  2. connect_database - connects to your database.
  3. disconnect_database - disconnects to your database.
  4. select_sql - runs sql statement.
  5. insert_sql - isnert pandas dataframe into user-defined table.
  6. get_tables_regex - gets tables in the schema based on the (optional)regex expression.

for more detailed information look use name_of_function.doc


Initialisation and data base connection:

from database_pandas import MySQLDatabase
your_database = MySQLDatabase(database = database_name,username = db_username,password = db_password,host = db_host)

Performing select * from:

your_database.select_sql('select * from table')

Performing insert into table:

Function consists of the following arguments:

  1. data_frame - which dataframe to insert.

  2. sql_table - in which table to insert.

  3. if_exists(default = 'append'):

possible values: ‘fail’, ‘replace’, ‘append’} How to behave if the table already exists.

  • fail: Raise a ValueError.
  • replace: Drop the table before inserting new values.
  • append: Insert new values to the existing table.
  1. index - Write DataFrame index as a column.
your_database.insert_sql(data_frame,'table_name',if_exists = 'replace')

Get list of tables in schema

**kwargs argument allow you to put as many where operation in select statement as possible. But you have to define where operators(like 'and'/'or')with numbers. For example 'and' operator will be 'and1' or operator will be 'or1'.


tables = your_database.get_tables_regex(and1 = 'some_regex',and2 = 'some_regex')