This is a Python package that automates the data preprocessing

pip install datafit==0.2023.2.13



DataFit is a python package developed for automating data preprocessing.

Note This Package is under development and is open source.

This package is developed by Syed Syab and Hamza Rustam for the purpose of Final Year Project at University of Swat. our information is given below

About Project:
    DataFit is a python package developed for automating data preprocessing.
    Project initilization data: 01/OCT/2023
    Project Finilization Data: 01/Dec/2023 (Expected)

Team Member:
    Syed Syab: Student (Me) [] []
    Hamza Rustam: Student
    Professor Naeem Ullah: Supervisor 

This Package is desinged in a user-friendly manner which means every one can use it.

The main functionality of the package is to just automate the data pre-processing step, and make it easy for machine learning engineers or data scientist.

Current Functionality of the package is:

        displaying information
        Handling Null Value
        Delete Multiple Columns
        Handling Categorical Values
        Extract Numeric Values

To use the package

pip install datafit

To use this package it's quit simple, just import it like pandas and then use it.

import datafit as df
# to check information of the data

To categorize the data

import datafit as df


if you want to not mention the columns name an do it for all columns then simply type None inplace of columns names.

import datafit as df


To Extract numerical values from the columns

import datafit as df

df.extractValues(data,["columns1", "columns2"])

Note Again: This package is uder development. if it touches your heart do share it and follow me on github [] and linkedin []for mote intersting updates