
DBT API SDK for Python

pip install dbtsdk==0.3



A Python implementation of DBT API SDK (ported from dbt-sdk-php)


  • Python 3 (Recommended 3.6+)


sudo python3 -m pip install dbtsdk


Below are the steps neccessary to get you started with the DBT SDK.

1. Sign up for an API Key

Before you can start using the DBT SDK, you will need to sign up for an API Key at https://www.digitalbibleplatform.com.

2. (Optional) Add your API key to your environment

It's best not to hard code your API key in your script file. Instead, save it to your environment and let Python read it from there.

On Windows:

setx DBT_API_KEY "<your api key>"

On Mac and Linux:

export DBT_API_KEY=<your api key>

To make this environment persist between reboots, add this line to your .bash_profile file instead.

2. Include the SDK file

In your Python script, import the package.

from dbtsdk import Dbt

3. Create an instance of the object

When creating the object, pass the API key.

import os

api_key = os.environ['DBT_API_KEY']
dbt = Dbt.Dbt(api_key)

4. Retrieve volume information

For an example of the usual work flows, as well as examples of retrieving and displaying text, audio, and video, download the sample code.

API Documentation

Documentation for the underlying REST API can be found in the Digital Bible Platform Developer Documentation.


dbt-sdk-python is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.