This is a tool that can be used for Analyzing and identifying the Deadlink in a website. This can come handy during the regular website maintenance.
The contents uploaded here is only the Alpha content. I've uploaded it here to get some feedback and suggestion as to how I can make this more efficient.
Any suggestion / comment / feedback / request is welcome. Please drop any of these messages using the following link.
pip install lxml
pip install deadcheck
pip install lxml
git clone
python install
prompt>python -url <baseURLToAnalyze> [-proxy <proxyURL>:<prompt> -username <userName for Protected Page>
-password <Password to access Protected Page> -auth_base <Super URL for Authentication> -log <logFile>
-exempt <ExceptionURL File> -depth <int, default = 1> -v <default = True>] -out <OutputDirectory>
API Usage
from deadcheck.deadcheck import DeadcheckAPI
checker = DeadcheckAPI([proxyURL, userName, password, auth_base_url])
urlObj = checker.amIDead(urlToCheck)
children = urlObj.getChildren()
Report Generation. ( A custom Package / Using liches )- Handling the Processing of Links using Multiple Threads. ( To reduce processing time )
Regex support to Exception links. (Implemented for Basic RegExp)Additional Log / Debug Option Support.(Change Implemented)- GUI ( Work In Progress )
Custom API to facilitate the validation of Minor Links or Single Links.
- Initial Draft
- Analysis method and URLLinks class were combined together.
- Report Information Extraction was manual.
Second Draft
Code Re-structured. Independent classes created for URLLinks, handling Custom Error and Other necessary informaiton.
Custom Class for Storing URL information.
info() method for accessing the URLLink information in the form of a string to display / Report.
Additional parameters included for Reporting.
- File Size
- Dowload Time
- Check Time
- Last Modified.
- Status Information ( With Error and / or other information as applicable )
- Custom class created for Storing and retrieving HTTPError codes with suitable messages.
- Custom Error handler class for Handling Custom errors. Additional items will be added to this during the course of development.
- Main Package now containins a class Deadcheck which handles all the operations.
- User the Deadcheck class to perform any operations.
- Third Draft
- Report Generation Modules Included.
- Custom report.txt file is generated along with the Report.
- Report Is generated based on the Links processed at the respective link depth.
- A summary of Links Is provided for each report file.
- Low-level URL extraction from 'javascript' type hrefs.
- Fix for UnicodeEncodeError.
- Minor Cleanup / change for the reports.
- Fix for AttributeError in __cleanupJavaScript Function ( Bug #3 )
- Minor Modification for RegExp used in Exceptions file.
- Addition of new Class 'DeadcheckAPI' that provides the user with a small scare function that can be used to analyze a single URL in the CLI
- The Return value of this function call will be URLLinks Object and hence you can iterate through the Child Links and call the function amIDead manually to analyze 'n' number of links.
- Custom Test Suite has been included to support the running of tests during Installation process.
- Minor chagnes made into Output Directory Parameter is made mandatory.