
Dead simle wrapper for venv

pip install deadsimplevenv==0.2.1


💀💀💀 deadsimplevenv

Simple wrapper for python venv

If you want to automate python project structure creation and great projects as POETRY cannot be used in your envinronment, you can try deadsimplevenv. It does not add anything special and it stucks with basic python setuptools 🛠.

How to use

how to use

What it does for me

  1. It will create following folder structure by default:

    ├── .cz.toml
    ├── .git
    ├── .gitignore
    ├── .venv
    ├── LICENSE
    ├── my_ultra_mega_project
    │   └──
    ├── setup.cfg
  2. It will create venv and install/upgrade following packages (you can add/remove packages in your config):

    • pip
    • setuptools
    • wheel
    • black
    • pylint
    • commitizen
  3. It will connect to your devops platform (github or gitlab) and create project and make initial commit.


# Make dir for deadsimplevenv
λ  mkdir deadsimplevenv && cd deadsimplevenv
# Use python -m venv for the last time :))
λ  python -m venv .venv && source .venv/bin/activate
# Install deadsimplevenv
λ[.venv]  pip install deadsimplevenv

# OPTIONAL - make alias for deadsimplevenv
λ[.venv]  which deadsimplevenv
λ[.venv]  echo "alias deadsimplevenv=/path/to/the/deadsimplevenv/.venv/bin/deadsimplevenv" >> ~/.bashrc
λ[.venv]  source ~/.bashrc

Token needed

You need to specify gitlab or github token in the config file.


Usage: deadsimplevenv [OPTIONS]

  You can load custom config from ~/.config/deadsimplevenv

  -p, --project PATH              Project name
  -d, --description TEXT          Brief project description
  -u, --username TEXT             Your username
  -n, --name TEXT                 Your full name
  -e, --email TEXT                Your email adress
  -l, --license [MIT|GNU|EMPTY]   Project license
  --devops_platform [github|gitlab]
                                  Your devops platform
  --devops_url TEXT               Your devops url
  --devops_group TEXT             Your devops group
  --makerepo                      Create repo in DEVOPS
  --norepo                        Do not create repo in DEVOPS
  --private / --public            Create repo in DEVOPS  [default: True]
  --token TEXT                    DEVOPS token
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Config file

You can make your own config file in default config locations for each platform:

  • Other Unix: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/app and ~/.config/deadsimplevenv
  • OS X: ~/.config/app and ~/Library/Application Support/deadsimplevenv

Check example config in examples folder for possible parameters.