
Create .deb files easily using python package metadata

pip install debby==1.2.0



Create .deb files easily using python package metadata


You can install this package with pip.

$ pip install debby



Source Code - GitHub

PyPI - debby


This tool creates the directory structure (including the control file) to then create a .deb package with dpkg-deb.

You may provide a template for the control file (see Control File Template) or provide the metadata directly via the command line or environment variables.

You may also provide files to include in the package with -f/--file option, which may be passed multiple times.

You may also provide a source for the metadata (see Metadata Sources). You can also specify specific metadata values via the command line. If no metadata source is provided, and all the required metadata is not provided via the command line, an error will be raised.

OUT_DIR=$(debby -f path/to/binary /usr/bin/binary -f path/to/config /etc/config --pyproject pyproject.toml)
dpkg-deb --build $OUT_DIR

Metadata Sources

Currently, the following metadata sources are supported:

  • --pyproject: Reads the metadata from the given pyproject.toml file, according to the PEP 621 specification.
  • --poetry: Reads the metadata from the given pyproject.toml file, according to Poetry's specification.

Control File Template

It is possible to provide a template for the control file with -t/--template path/to/control.template. If provided, this template will be used to generate the control file instead of creating one from scratch. The template should be a text file with the following allowed placeholders.

Placeholder Description Examples
{} The name of the package debby
{meta.source} The source of the package debby
{meta.version} The version of the package 0.1.0
{meta.section} The section of the package misc, python
{meta.priority} The priority of the package optional
{meta.architecture} The architecture of the package all
{meta.eessential} The essential status of the package yes, no
{meta.maintainer} The maintainer of the package Abraham Murciano <>
{meta.description} The description of the package Create .deb files easily using python package metadata
{meta.homepage} The homepage of the package
{meta.depends} The dependencies of the package python3, jq, pv (>= 1.0.0)
{meta.recommends} The recommended packages of the package jq, pv (>= 1.0.0)
{meta.suggests} The suggested packages of the package jq, pv (>= 1.0.0)
{meta.enhances} The enhanced packages of the package jq, pv (>= 1.0.0)
{meta.breaks} The packages that this package breaks jq, pv (>= 1.0.0)
{meta.conflicts} The packages that this package conflicts with jq, pv (>= 1.0.0)
{files.total_size} The total size of all the files given with the -f/--file option 123456