
Usefull tools for making grid/accordion layouted forms

pip install deform-extensions==0.5


Deform extension tools

Note : since version 0.4 deform_extensions is now compatible with python 3

Travis-ci: continuous integration status.

This package provides custom widgets and form layout widgets.

It aims to extend deform 2 and replaces the former deform_bootstrap_extensions (that was dedicated to deform_bootstrap and deform 0.* serie)


pip install deform_extensions

Custom widgets

  • LocalizationWidget : Map location
  • CustomDateTimeInputWidget : Datetime widget
  • RadioToggleWidget

Date related widgets were added to allow a better support for internationalization and different format support.

The RadioToggleWidget is a common radio widget that allow to hide show form nodes on selection. It's very similar to deform base Radio widget, the difference is that values parameters is a list of 3-uples (instead of 2-uples), allowing to specify the name of a form node to hide/show.

Layout Tools

Layout tools:

  • DisabledInput (that really doesn't allow edition)
  • InlineMappingWidget
  • VoidWidget that is used by GridWidgets to fill void cells
  • TableMappingWidget
  • GridMappingWidget
  • AccordionMappingWidget
  • TableFormWidget
  • GridFormWidget
  • AccordionFormWidget

See source code for some docs or ping me on Freenode @tonthon

Run tests

pip3 install pytest
py.test -xv