A set of tool to help of DERO smart contract development

pip install deropy==0.3.0



Deropy is a toolbox for creating, managing and testing DERO smart contracts.


As I am actively using deropy to work on my own smart contracts, I will be adding features as I need them. If you have any suggestions or requests, feel free to open an issue.

Info: I am also open to suggestion regarding the repo itself, if you have any suggestion on how to improve the repo, feel free to open an issue.

Version 0.0.x

  • Generate python class for smart contract

    • Each public function have a corresponding scinvoke request
    • Each public function have a corresponding transfer2 request (to manually specify the fee)
  • Deploy the smart contract to:

    • The simulator
    • The testnet
    • The mainnet

Version 0.1.x

  • (30%) Full DVM simulator in pure python
    • Implement all the DVM standard functions
    • Add compute gaz and storage gaz calculation

Version 1.0

  • (50%) Full python to DVM Transpiler 🚀
    • Function definition
    • Fuction call
    • Variable declaration
    • Variable assignement
    • Mathematic operator
    • Comparison operator
    • If block
    • While loop 🔥
    • For loop ?

future version

  • template support for standard smart-contract
  • NFT collection builder
    • g45-c + g45-nft automatic deployment
  • API builder for any SC already deployed on chain


Directly from the python public repositry

pip install deropy
deropy configure 

From sources

git clone https://github.com/dero-hyperbolic/deropy.git
cd deropy
pip install .
deropy configure

Quick Start

deropy deploy -g path/to/sc.bas

this command will:

If the simulator is running

  • Deploy your smart contract to the simulator
  • Create a new SC.py file in the current directory with the correct SCID.
  • A new tests/test_sc.py file in the current directory.

If the simulator is not running the Smart Contract will not be deployed

SC.py will contain a class that allow you to call every function implemented in your smart contract test_sc.py will contain a test class that provide you with a basic test skeleton for every function implemented in your smart contract

Usage in a python script or terminal

from SC import SC
sc = SC()
sc.function_to_invoke(param1, param2)
>>> {'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'id': '1', 'result': {'txid': '861fbb04b475fb94de9ba...'}}


Command Description
deropy configure Install the autocomplete script
deropy deploy deploy a DERO smart contract
deropy generate Convert a DERO smart contract into a python API