
Useful tools for Python developers

autopip, entry, points, example, installation, group
pip install developer-tools==0.0.2



Useful tools for Python developers.

This is mostly an example to show how autopip can be used to install a group of apps with various version specifications, but the author does install it as it conveniently provides all the tools useful for doing Python software development.

To tell autopip to install other apps, simply add an autopip entry point group in with the list of apps and versions. Versions can be pinned to major or a specific version, or use latest to install the latest version. Update frequency can also be specified per app. See working example of autopip entry point group in developer-tools'

    'autopip': [
        'ansible = 2.5.4',                 # Pin to specific version without auto-update (recommended for 3rd party)
        'ansible-hostmanager = latest',    # Install latest and update hourly (for apps that you own)
        'awscli = 1.15 [monthly]',         # Pin to minor and update monthly
        'flake8 = 3 [weekly]',             # Pin to major and update weekly
        'twine = 1 [weekly]',
        'rstcheck = 3.0.1',
        'workspace-tools = latest',

For better security and user experience, it is recommended to pin to a specific version -- at least minor -- for 3rd party apps. For apps that you own where you have good versioning in the app, then latest works better to let the app control its own release.

Seeing is believing, so try installing it:

autopip install developer-tools

Which should output something like the following -- line 3 is the interesting part:

Installing developer-tools to /home/mzheng/.apps/developer-tools/0.0.3
Hourly auto-update enabled via cron service
This app has defined "autopip" entry points to install: ansible==2.5.4 ... twine==1.* workspace-tools
Installing ansible to /home/mzheng/.apps/ansible/2.5.4
Updating script symlinks in /home/mzheng/.apps/bin
+ ansible
Installing workspace-tools to /home/mzheng/.apps/workspace-tools/3.2.4
Hourly auto-update enabled via cron service
Updating script symlinks in /home/mzheng/.apps/bin
+ wst

And everything is installed as expected:

$ autopip list
ansible              2.5.4    /home/mzheng/.apps/ansible/2.5.4
ansible-hostmanager  0.2.3    /home/mzheng/.apps/ansible-hostmanager/0.2.3  [updates hourly]
awscli               1.15.31  /home/mzheng/.apps/awscli/1.15.31             [updates monthly]
developer-tools      1.0.1    /home/mzheng/.apps/developer-tools/1.0.1      [updates hourly]
flake8               3.5.0    /home/mzheng/.apps/flake8/3.5.0               [updates weekly]
rstcheck             3.0.1    /home/mzheng/.apps/rstcheck/3.0.1
twine                1.11.0   /home/mzheng/.apps/twine/1.11.0               [updates weekly]
workspace-tools      3.2.4    /home/mzheng/.apps/workspace-tools/3.2.4      [updates hourly]

Finally, uninstall will remove them all as well -- though I do recommend keeping them:

$ app uninstall developer-tools
Uninstalling developer-tools
This app has defined "autopip" entry points to uninstall: ansible ... workspace-tools
Uninstalling ansible
Uninstalling ansible-hostmanager
Uninstalling awscli
Uninstalling flake8
Uninstalling rstcheck
Uninstalling twine
Uninstalling workspace-tools

Pretty cool, huh? :)

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