A AI container platform.

pip install dg-ai-platform==0.2.1


Caldron AI platform

version 0.1.13

System Architecture

How to run hello world demo

1. pip install dg-ai-platform.
2. Login to Caldron AI platform website.
3. You will see a HelloWorld app with PID and public key.
4. Paste following code to a blank python file and change #pid# to your demo PID.
5. run this python file.
from dg_ai_platform.example import HelloWorld
from dg_ai_platform.dg_platform import CaldronAI

ca = CaldronAI(HelloWorld, pid="xxxx", public_key="xxxx")
6. Create your task in HelloWorld task page.
7. Your local python process will fetch a task and process it.
8. When the task finished, result will show on the page

Run your own App

1. Create a app then setup inputs and outputs on website.
2. Create yourself class must be implementing ITaskProcess(see below code).
from dg_ai_platform.dg_platform import ITaskProcess

class CustomTask(ITaskProcess):
    def __init__(self):

    def inference(self, input_list, output_list, options=None):
        #your logic
3.You should be let your logic into function inference(self, input_list, output_list, options=None)
  • param input_list: all inputs local path in this array. You should be load your all inputs then put it to your model.
  • param output_list: all outputs local path in this array. You should be save your outputs to these outputs path.
  • param options: This is a json data.
4. Run your app with CustomTask
from your_python_file import CustomTask
from dg_ai_platform.dg_platform import CaldronAI

ca = CaldronAI(CustomTask, pid="xxxx", public_key="xxxx")
5. Create your custom task on website.
6. You will see a result on result page.