
General diffusion equation in 2d solver using FEM

pip install diffuspy==0.2




diffuspy is a library for solving the general heat equation in two dimensions using the finite element method.

How to download it

pip install diffuspy

How to use it

First we need a mesh file, the package uses the output created by gmsh: .geo and .msh.

Then we write a script with the problem definition

from diffuspy import gmsh, Material, steadystate, plotter

model_name = 'test/patch-refined'

model = gmsh.Parse(model_name)

s = list(model.surf.keys())
material = Material(λ={s[0]: 1},  # condutivity W/m C
                    c={s[0]: 1},  # specific heat J/kg C
                    ρ={s[0]: 0.1})  # density kg/ m3

# Internal heat (q) current density source (σ) in W/ m3
def σ_q(x1, x2, t=1, T=1):
    return 0

# Heat (q) current density assigned at the boundary (bc) in W/m3
def q_bc(x1, x2, t=1):
    return {}

# Temperature (T) assigned at boundary (bc) in K or C
def T_bc(x1, x2, t=1):
    return {3: 30}

# Surface condutance in W/m2 C
def h(x1, x2, t=1):
    return {1: 100}

# Temperature of the air K or C
def T_a(x1, x2, t=1):
    return {1: 1000}

T = steadystate.solver(model, material,
                       σ_q=σ_q, q_bc=q_bc, T_bc=T_bc, T_a=T_a, h=h)

plotter.contour(model, T)
plotter.model(model, ele=True, edges_label=True, nodes_label=True)
Initializing solver…Solution completed! Initializing Plotter…Plotting done! Plotting Model..Done

https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/9167399/25067802/c09bba5a-2224-11e7-99b5-e819ff41bc3c.png https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/9167399/25067801/be4339a4-2224-11e7-9bf2-8916699e4d04.png

The library accepts as boundary conditions:

  1. Temperature specified in the contour
  2. Heat current density specified in the contour
  3. Convective boundary

There is also a transient solver that discretizes the time domain using finite differences.

from diffuspy import gmsh, Material, transient, plotter
import numpy as np

model_name = 'test/patch'

model = gmsh.Parse(model_name)

s = list(model.surf.keys())
material = Material(λ={s[0]: 1},  # condutivity W/m C
                    c={s[0]: 1},  # specific heat J/kg C
                    ρ={s[0]: 1})  # density kg/ m3

# Internal heat (q) current density source (σ) in W/ m3
def σ_q(x1, x2, t=1):
    return 0

# Heat (q) current density assigned at the boundary (bc) in W/m3
# negative mean entrying the domain
def q_bc(x1, x2, t=1):
    return {}

# Temperature (T) assigned at boundary (bc) in K or C
def T_bc(x1, x2, t=1):
    return {3: 30}

# Surface condutance in W/m2 C
def h(x1, x2, t=1):
    return {1: 100}

# Temperature of the air in C
def T_a(x1, x2, t=1):
    return {1: 200 * np.sin(2*np.pi*t/(60*60))}

t_int = 60 * 60 * 20
dt = t_int / 100
T0 = 30

T = transient.solver(model, material, t_int, dt,
                     T0, σ_q, q_bc, T_bc, T_a, h)

plotter.contour_animation(model, T, t_int, dt, interval=200,
                          time_text_color='black', name='temp_fiel.gif')
Initializing solver… Number of steps: 100 Solution completed! Number of elements: 4 and Number of nodes: 9 Temperature field is an array with shape: (9, 101) Plotting animation…Completed! https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/9167399/25067875/0e479966-2227-11e7-90d2-3fb4f3e811de.gif