Dinora is alphazero-like chess engine. It uses keras/tensorflow for position evaluation and Monte Carlo Tree Search for calculating best move.
- Working chess engine
- Minimal example of alpazero-like engine NN + MCTS
- All code included in this repo - for playing and training
- Everything written in python
You can play against Dinora in standard chess variation, with or without increment.
I assume engine strength is about 1400 Lichess Elo, I evaluate engine rating
basing on a few games against me, so it's not accurate.
You can see example game below
(10+0) Dinora (100-200 nodes in search) vs Me (2200 Rapid Lichess rating)
Tree Visualization
There is a tool for tree visualization, look more here
This engine based on https://github.com/Zeta36/chess-alpha-zero and https://github.com/dkappe/a0lite and Alphazero from Deepmind.
A lot of tutorials about chess engines from https://www.chessprogramming.org/ was super helpful.