
Use Google Drive via Discord!

Discord, Google, Drive
pip install discord-drive==0.0.11




We aim to create a Python library that can manage a Google Drive file system through a set of Discord bot commands. These commands will be loaded as a “Cog”, which is a collection of commands that can be added to an existing Discord bot. The bot will be able to manage a file system, including creating new directories and adding and retrieving files. This adds a level of privacy to a Google Drive folder, eliminating security risks of users with access deleting files. Admins will import our library, add the Cog to their personal Discord bot, and use their personal Google account and OAuth token to interface with the Google Drive API.




Interface with the Google Drive API using any user’s OAuth token Generate an initial file structure or link to an existing one Want to be able to upload files/folders to Google Drive Want to be able to retrieve files/folders from Google Drive Support some “root” directory


  1. Install the library:
    pip install discord-drive
  2. Follow the official Google Drive Developer quick-start instructions to generate your credentials file.
  3. Save the credentials file as credentials.json in the running directory of your Discord bot.
  4. Open Google Drive, go to the directory that you want to root the bot to, and get the link.
    • It should be of format: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/folder_id
  5. Create a Discord bot using Pycord, and add the DiscordDrive command suite to it with the following code:
    from discord_drive import DriveAPICommands
    bot.add_cog(DriveAPICommands(bot, "<link from step 5>"))
  6. Run the bot, and use /authenticate to ensure that DiscordDrive is authorized to access your Google Account.


/authenticate: Regenerates the token needed to enable the API. If re-authentication is needed, the bot will DM the caller a link and wait for the authentication code given to the caller by Google
/cd <directory>: Navigates the caller down into a child directory of their current directory. Autocomplete is provided for hints.
/download <file> <timeout (optional)> <public (optional)>: Gives the user the file (or a link) to download the file specified. Files have autocomplete. Timeout defaults to 60 seconds, where the file will then no longer be allowed to be downloaded. Public defaults to False, where no other users can see the file.
/ls: Shows the caller the contents of their current directory.
/pwd: Shows the caller the file path of their current directory.
/share <file> <user> <timeout (optional)>: Sends a specified server member a dm with a file from the caller's current directory. Files and users have autocomplete. Timeout defaults to 60 seconds, where the file will then no longer be allowed to be downloaded.
/upload <attachment>: Uploads a file or zip file to the caller's current directory. Zip files must contain just the files, and no folders, as they will not be read.


Ryan Karch (karchr) - Official Project Lead

Dominic Beyer (beyerd) - Co-Project Lead