
Discord Logger is a custom message logger to Discord for Python 3

monitoring, discord, messaging, logging, health-check, notification-service, notification, discord-webhook, python, python-discord-logger
pip install discord-logger==1.2.3


Python Discord Logger

A custom message logger to Discord for Python 3.


Install via pip: pip install discord-logger

Basic Usage

from discord_logger import DiscordLogger

options = {
    "application_name": "My Server",
    "service_name": "My API",
    "service_icon_url": "your icon url",
    "service_environment": "Production",
    "default_level": "info",

logger = DiscordLogger(webhook_url="your discord webhook url", **options)
logger.construct(title="Health Check", description="All services are running normally!")

response = logger.send()



Set Service Name, Icon and Environment for easy identification

You can configure the log message with service name, icon and environment for easy identification. The Host field which is the hostname of the server is automatically added for every message.

from discord_logger import DiscordLogger

webhook_url = "your discord webhook url"
options = {
    "application_name": "My Server",
    "service_name": "Backend API",
    "service_icon_url": "your icon url",
    "service_environment": "Production",
    "default_level": "info",

logger = DiscordLogger(webhook_url=webhook_url, **options)
    title="Health Check",
    description="Issue in Auth API!",
    error="Traceback (most recent call last):\n ValueError: Database connect accepts only string as a parameter!",

response = logger.send()


Send messages with different log-levels

The log-level indicates the importance of the message. It changes the color of the discord message in particular. Currently supported levels are,

  • error
  • warn
  • info
  • verbose
  • debug
  • success

The log-level can be set during construction of the message like through the parameter level.

If the parameter isn't provided, it'll be set to the one given in default_level. Any invalid input would be ignored and the log-level would be automatically be set to default.

from discord_logger import DiscordLogger

options = {
    "application_name": "My Server",
    "service_name": "My API",
    "service_icon_url": "your icon url",
    "service_environment": "Production",
    "default_level": "info",

logger = DiscordLogger(webhook_url=webhook_url, **options)
    title="Celery Task Manager",
    description="Successfully completed training job for model v1.3.3!",

response = logger.send()


  • Send complete error traceback

The error field can contain any error message. It will be automatically be formatted in the final message. For example, you can send a complete traceback of an error message to debug faster!

import traceback

from discord_logger import DiscordLogger

def get_traceback(e):
    tb = (
        "Traceback (most recent call last):\n"
        + "".join(traceback.format_list(traceback.extract_tb(e.__traceback__)))
        + type(e).__name__
        + ": "
        + str(e)
    return tb

webhook_url = "your discord webhook url"
options = {
    "application_name": "My Server",
    "service_name": "Backend API",
    "service_icon_url": "your icon url",
    "service_environment": "Production",
    "default_level": "info",

err = KeyError("`email` field cannot be None")

logger = DiscordLogger(webhook_url=webhook_url, **options)
    title="Runtime Exception", description=err.__str__(), error=get_traceback(err),

response = logger.send()
