Simple, Faster, & Efficient, Subdomain Discovery Scanner

pip install discosub==0.3.0


discosub 0.3.0

Travis branch Travis branch

official pypi package PyPI PyPI PyPI PyPI PyPI PyPI

Docker Stars Docker Pulls Docker Automated buil

Free and opensource subdomain scanner. Discosub is simple and faster subdomain discover.

Discosub test if a list of subdomains exist via fuzzing on root domain.

Discosub use dictionaries for perform an analyze (BruteForce).

You can use discosub directly from a python interpreter, or use it inside docker container.

You can perform an anonymous scanning directly by using a specific docker version (alias tor).

Different type of docker container are available:

  • simple docker container with discosub installed on
  • torified (tor) docker container with discosub installed on (all discosub scanning connections use tor network)

For more details visit the official webpage project.

Install from pypi

pip install -U discosub

Install as a docker container

docker pull 4383/discosub:latest

Install as an anonymous scanner (tor + docker)

docker pull 4383/discosub:tor

Install from sources

$ git clone
$ cd discosub
$ python install

Usages from a local installation (from pypi or from sources)

discosub run

Usages inside a docker container (agressive mode off for moment)

docker run -e "" 4383/discosub:latest

Usages as an anonymous scanner from docker container (using tor inside docker) (agressive mode off for moment)

docker run -e "" 4383/discosub:tor

Usages for an agressive mode scanning

discosub run -a


  • python >= 2.6 (but prefer python3.x)


  • Analyze a root domain and discover its subdomains
  • Analyze domain over tor via specific docker container (anonymous scanning)


  • scan over docker container are more slowly than direct usage from python interpreter
  • scan over torified docker container are more slowly than direct usage from python interpreter and classical discosub docker container
  • scan over torified docker container are more verbose than an classical scanning (identifiable IP)

Upcoming features

  • Perform whois request on discovered subdomains
  • Pass discosub options to docker container on run
  • Perform scanning from user keywords file
  • Save output into a file


  • Free software: GNU General Public License v3


Author: 4383 (Hervé Beraud)

For create this project I've used some tools and packages so I want to thank them !

This project was initialized with the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage project template.