
Django + AWS made easy

pip install dj-aws==0.1.4


DJ AWS - Amazon Web Services + Django Made Easy

codecov test-status

Setup Local Dev Environment

Setup SSH Keys

Generate SSH Keys

Run command:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""

Hit enter to accept default file location, and again to accept empty passphrase

Copy Public Key

Install xclip

sudo apt-get install xclip

To copy to clipboard, run:

xclip -sel clip < ~/.ssh/

Install IntelliJ Toolbox

Download tarball from HERE

Extract tarball and replace <VERSION> with the actual package name:

sudo tar -xzf jetbrains-toolbox-<VERSION>.tar.gz -C /opt

Run the install script. Replace <VERSION> with the actual package name:

cd /opt/jetbrains-toolbox-<VERSION>

Follow prompts and install Pycharm Community IDE

Install Curl

sudo snap install curl

Install python-venv

sudo apt install python3.9-venv

Install distutils

sudo apt install python3-distutils

Install Poetry

sudo curl -sSL | python3 -

Add Poetry Env Variable

Append the following to ~/.profile

export PATH="/home/adrian/.local/bin:$PATH

Test the poetry install:

poetry --version

Pull Dev Repo

Create project directory and initialize Git

git init

Add Remote Origin

git remote add origin

Pull repo

git pull

Create new branch and switch to branch

git checkout -b <BRANCH_NAME>

Delete local branch

git branch -d <BRANCH_NAME>

Add .env file

Use .env example to set environment variables.


When deploying to remote environments, the environment variables must be set in Git secrets, as well as the lambda deployment.

Verify Github Action Secret

DATABASE_URL should be set to postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/postgres

This should match values in the github actions yml

Install Poetry

Install poetry with instructions HERE

Verify the installation with a version check

poetry --version

If command not found, set the path variable:

source $HOME/.poetry/env

Install Dependencies

poetry install

Generate the secret key

import secrets


Add to .env file as SECRET_KEY environment variable

Local Database Setup


Install pgadmin

Create User

Right click Login/Group Roles -> Create -> Login/Group Role

  1. Click General Tab -> Set Name to "redexapi"

  2. Click Definition Tab -> Set Password to "redexapi"

  3. Click Privileges Tab -> Toggle the following:

    1. "Can Login" = On
    2. "Create databases" = On

A new user with the name "redexapi" will be added to the "Login/Group Roles" list

Create Database

Right click on Databases -> Create -> Database

  1. Click General Tab -> Set Database to "redexapi"

  2. Set Owner to "redexapi"

Name the database "redexapi"

Click "Save"

Setup Postgres Local Instance (Ubuntu)

sudo apt update
sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-client

Check Instance Status

systemctl status postgresql.service

Change System User Password

NOTE: Don't use the @ symbol in the password!

sudo su - postgres
psql -c "alter user postgres with password '<DB_PASSWORD>'"

Start PSQL Shell


Get Connection Details


Details should look similar to this:

You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" via socket in "/var/run/postgresql" at port "5432".

Create new Postgres Database

Replace placeholder values with real values

sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# create database <DB_NAME>;
postgres=# create user <DB_USERNAME> with encrypted password '<DB_PASSWORD>';
postgres=# grant all privileges on database <DB_NAME> to <DB_USERNAME>;

To Delete the local database, run:


Local jdbc string


Create Database on Existing Instance using admin command (Optional)

The initial database url will be:


Run the command from the project root to create the database and service user

poetry run python create_db --db-url="<DB_INSTANCE_URL>" --db-name="<NEW_DB_NAME>" --db-username="<NEW_DB_USERNAME>" --db-password="<NEW_DB_PASSWORD>"

Initialize Database

poetry run python makemigrations
git add .
poetry run python migrate
poetry run python createsuperuser

Create Super User

Set the following environment variables:


poetry run python makemigrations
git add .
poetry run zappa manage <STAGE_NAME> "migrate"
poetry run zappa manage <STAGE_NAME> "createsuperuser --noinput"

Admin Commands

Poetry Utilities

Create Initial Poetry File

poetry init

Install All Requirements

poetry install

Update all Poetry Packages

poetry update

Update Individual Poetry Package

poetry update <PACKAGE_NAME>

View All Requirements

poetry show --tree

List Virtual Envs

poetry env list

Get Poetry Env Info

poetry env info

Remove Virtual Env

poetry env remove <ENV_NAME>

Clear Cache

poetry cache clear . --all

Poetry Executable Path

which poetry

Database Utilities


After any Model Updates:

  1. Create migrations
  2. Add migrations to git
  3. Migrate to run DB changes
poetry run python makemigrations
git add .
poetry run python migrate
poetry run python createsuperuser


Specify settings with --settings

Running tests

poetry run python test --settings=config.settings.local --no-input --parallel

To run against a single module, add the module name:

poetry run python test djstarter.tests.test_views --settings=config.settings.local --no-input --parallel

Faster Tests

NOTE Tests must be isolated and able to run independently! The --parallel flag causes incorrect values

coverage run test --settings=config.settings.local --keepdb

Generate Coverage Report

Must be run after coverage tests have been run

coverage report

Generate Coverage HTML Report

coverage html

This creates the directory coverage html. Open the index.html to see the full report

Updating pypi package

poetry build
poetry publish

Coverage Issues

If the numbers reported aren't what's expected, or tests are missing, verify that an empty is in the tests directory for each app.


Contributions are encouraged and welcome!

The general steps to contribute are:

  1. Create an issue for a feature/bug, if not already created
  2. Create a feature branch with the issue in the name
    1. Example: If the issue is #123, create the branch as feature/DC-123
  3. Write Tests
  4. Write Code - All code must have tests and cannot lower coverage!
  5. Verify all tests pass
  6. Pull all and merge all changes from the dev branch
  7. Create a pull request to merge into the dev branch