
A Django app to manage DevOps.

django, devops, management, python
pip install django-DevOps==0.2.10



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Table of Contents

What is django-DevOps?

The goal of this repository is to provide a set of programmatic tools to help you build and deploy your Django projects. This is done by defining best practices for the following:

  • Service and Config file management
  • Auto deploy from GIT
  • Guided feature implementation

No more returning to the same Stackoverflow pages every time you start a new project just to remind yourself what directory config files should be placed in. All files can now be managed from a project level and quickly deployed/updated.

Getting Started

To install the package, run the following command:

pip install django-DevOps

Then add django_devoop to your INSTALLED_APPS list in your file.


For additional pip information visit:

Configuration Files

Under your project folder create a config_files and service_files folder to place files to be deployed.

A config file with the same name as the project will be treated as the NGINX config file and copied to site-available.

Manage Commands

Command Description
devops Guided project review. (Recommended)
do_guide_account Walks through the guide for user account management.
prep_gunicorn Prepares the gunicorn config file for use with gunicorn.
prep_celery Prepares the celery config file for use with celery.
prep_nginx Prepares the nginx config file for use with nginx.
update_services Similar to "collectstatic", this command will deploy config and service files from the project folder.

Directory Structure

├── .github             # CI/CD using GitHub Actions and other functions.
└── django_devops       # Main package directory.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.