
Provides some simple template tags for highlighting active navigation links in Django templates.

pip install django-active-navigation==0.1


#Django active navigation

Provides some simple template tags for highlighting active navigation links in Django templates.


The application is available using pip/easy_install:

pip install django-active-navigation
easy_install django-active-navigation

You will also need to install django-classy-tags:

pip install django-classy-tags
easy_install django-classy-tags

Then just add 'active_navigation' to your INSTALLED_APPS setting and you're away!


Four template tags are provided depending on whether you want exact matches or not and whether you're using named URLs. They all have the same format and possibilities:

{% tag_name request url %}
{% tag_name request url active_class %}
{% tag_name request url active_class as variable_name %}
  • request is the HttpRequest object obtained from using RequestContext.
  • By default the tag will return 'active' for an active url, and '' if it isn't active. Define active_class to have it return something different.
  • To have the template tag return the result into a variable define variable_name


Match the current url exactly to the given url. If the current URL is /modules:

{% active_exact request /modules %} returns 'active'
{% active_exact request /modules/module %} returns ''
{% active_exact request /modules 'myclass' %} returns 'myclass'
{% active_exact request /modules 'myclass' as is_active %} returns '', but the variable is_active contains 'myclass'