
Django template styling for django-allauth and django-oauth-toolkit.

django, style, styling, allauth, django-allauth, django-oauth-toolkit, girder-4, hacktoberfest
pip install django-auth-style==0.8.1


Girder Auth Design

Develop with Docker

Due to the dependency on npm and Python2, Docker development is the only supported configuration.

Initial Setup

  1. Run docker-compose run --rm django ./ migrate
  2. Run docker-compose run --rm django ./ tailwind install
  3. Run docker-compose run --rm django ./ createsuperuser and follow the prompts to create your own user

Run Application

  1. Run docker-compose up
  2. Access the site, starting at http://localhost:8000/
    • Outgoing emails are sent to the console
  3. The Django admin interface is still available at http://localhost:8000/admin/
  4. When finished, use Ctrl+C

Application Maintenance

Occasionally, new package dependencies or schema changes will necessitate maintenance. To non-destructively update your development stack at any time:

  1. Run docker-compose pull
  2. Run docker-compose build
  3. Run docker-compose run --rm django ./ migrate
  4. Run docker-compose run --rm django ./ tailwind install