
An easy way to show the contents of a blog in your Django app.

pip install django-blogconnector==1.0.0


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A very simple app that pulls in Posts, categories and Authors from a Blog's RSS/Atom feed.

Only tested with a WordPress blog so far. Adding others should be possible.

Installation and Setup

You can install it easily from pypi by running

pip install django-blogconnector

After installing the package, add django_blogconnector in in your INSTALLED_APPS settings


After this, you can either include the sample urls in your

urlpatterns = [
    path('blog/', include('django_blogconnector.urls')),

or create your own views for blog posts.

There are some template tags to simplify template creation:

{% posts %}  - Render the list of posts with the template at blog_connector/post.html

{% posts <category-slug> %} - Same as posts, but for a single category.

{% categories %} - Renders the category list with the blog_connector/category.html and blog_connector/category_link.html templates.

{% ...|paragraphs:n }% - Renders the first *n* paragraphs of the variable passed into it.

Everything has admins, so you can add blogs, edit posts, link blog users to your own users, rename categories, etc.