
A Django app implementing a local caching proxy for Bower packages.

pip install django-bower-cache==0.5.0


Django Bower Cache (the Python/Django edition)

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Django Bower Cache is a Django app providing two services:

  • act as a registry (a name to URL mapper) for Bower packages.
  • act as a caching proxy for remote Bower packages.

The admin interface is available for both functionalities.

If you just want a simple way to run a local Bower caching proxy, see the Bower Cache project, which is built around Django Bower Cache.

Django Bower Cache supports Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.3, 3.4 and PyPy.


Django Bower Cache uses three additional settings from the Django settings file.

REPO_ROOT - the absolute path to the directory which will contain the cached Bower git repositories. Example: /var/bower-cache.

UPSTREAM_BOWER_REGISTRY - the URL of the Bower index from which to retrieve package data. Currently the global Bower registry is located at

REPO_URL - Optional. The URL hostname and prefix to use when generating git URLs for cloned repositories. If left unspecified, Django Bower Cache will try extracting the hostname from the HTTP request and use the root URL path plus the package name. For example, if Django Bower Cache happens to be queried at for the Bootstrap package, and the Bootstrap package has been cached, the generated git URL will be git://


The documentation will be linked here once it's written.


Copyright © 2013 Toran Billups, Tin Tvrtković.

Licensed under the MIT License.