
Django-command is a command line tool that allows you to run commonly used commands in development Django projects.

django-command, Django, cli
pip install django-command==2.2.0



Django-command is a command line tool that allows you to run commonly used commands in development Django projects.


pip install django-command


There are several ways to run commands:

  1. In the terminal, type django-command, after which a list of available commands for execution will appear, check through space which commands to execute. The marked commands will be executed in the order they were selected.

    (venv) PS .\> django-command
    [?] Select 1 or more commands:
     > [ ] create_local                   [1] Creating locales (ru, en)
       [ ] update_local                   [2] Updating and compiling locales
       [ ] collect_static                 [3] Assembling static files in the STATIC_ROOT folder
       [ ] make_migrations                [4] Creating migrations
       [ ] make_migrations_app            [5] Creating the first migration for the application
       [ ] make_empty_migrations_app      [6] Create a blank migration for the application. Used to add default data to the database table
       [ ] migrate                        [7] Applying migrations [--db_label default]
       [ ] create_superuser               [8] Creating a user with superuser rights
       [ ] create_app                     [9] Creating an application
       [ ] run_server                     [10] Running a project on a port number, or ipaddr:port (default "") [--port]
       [ ] install_requirements           [11] Install all dependencies for a project from a file (default "requirements.txt")
       [ ] print_requirements             [12] Automatically generates all the necessary dependencies for the project, and also allows you to save this list to a file (default "requirements.txt") [--save_in_file requirements.txt]
  2. Commands can be executed by their name or number.

    django-command make_migrations migrate
    # or with argument
    django-command make_migrations migrate -db default
    # or
    django-command 4 7

List of commands and arguments

(venv) PS .\> django-command -h
usage: django-command [-h] [-db DB_LABEL] [-s SAVE_IN_FILE] [-p PORT] [-v] commands [commands ...]   

CLI tool that allows you to run commonly used commands when developing Django projects.              

positional arguments:                                                                                
 commands              commands to run: create_local, update_local, collect_static, make_migrations,
                       make_migrations_app, make_empty_migrations_app, migrate, create_superuser,   
                       create_app, run_server, install_requirements, print_requirements             

optional arguments:
 -h, --help            show this help message and exit
 -db DB_LABEL, --db_label DB_LABEL
                       database label for "migrate" command
 -s SAVE_IN_FILE, --save_in_file SAVE_IN_FILE
                       save to file for "print_requirements" command
 -p PORT, --port PORT  port number, or ipaddr:port for "run_server" command
 -v, --version         show program's version number and exit