
Display country flags or sets of flags of nations where a particular language is spoken

pip install django-country-and-language-flags==0.1.1



Language-Flags is a simple Django app that helps display national flags. For efficiency, there is just one huge PNG file with all the flags, and individual flags are selected for display using CSS trickery.

This module provides tools for display of country flags based on their country code and sets of flags of nations where a particular language is spoken.

Quick start

  1. Add "language_flags" to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this:

  2. In templates where you want to use language_flags, include the language_flags template tag library:

    {% load language_flags_tags %}

    and include css or min.css in HTML <head>:

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{% static 'css/flags.css' %}">

    Don't forget {% load staticfiles %} at the top of your template.

  3. You can use the flags_for_language tag to display a number of flags of nations where a language is spoken. Right now the language can be either English or German:

    {% flags_for_language COUNT LANGUAGE %}

    This will display COUNT flags for language LANGUAGE; the flags will always include the first country listed for LANGUAGE, while the remainder will be randomly selected from the other countries.

    If the LANGUAGE code is equal to existing country code, one flag of related country is displayed.


The flag sprite was downloaded from and is derived from the FamFamFam flag icon set at