
A Django app that evaluates CSP reports to identify malicious activity.

browser, csp, django, privacy, security
pip install django-csp-observer==1.0.2


CSP Observer

CSP Observer Logo

CSP Observer is a Django app that monitors incoming Content Security Policy (CSP) reports for your site. It tries to detect security/privacy issues and notifies your visitors.


  1. In add "csp_observer" to your INSTALLED_APPS:
  2. Also in add the following entry to MIDDLEWARE:
    Please make sure that it is the last entry in the middlewares, otherwise another installed middleware could interfere with the operation of CSP Observer.
  3. Include the url configuration in your
    from django.urls import path, include
    urlpatterns = [
        path('csp/', include('csp_observer.urls')),
    You can change this path but keep in mind, that this path determines the access URL to the admin dashboard. Example: If you change the path for CSP Observer to path('cspobserver/', ...), the admin dashboard will now be accessible at /cspobserver/admin.
  4. Run python migrate to create the necessary database tables.
  5. The basic installation is finished! View the Configuration section for more information on how to configure the app.

Admin Interface

A basic administration interface is available under /csp/admin


List of commands integrated into

Command Description
cleanunused Removes old sessions and reports from the database. Should be run regularly.
updaterules Updates the rules from the central rule repository.


Overview of all available settings and their default values:

Setting Default Description
REPORT_ONLY True Wether to enforce the CSP rules or only report them.
ENABLED_PATHS ["/"] An array of paths for which the CSP header should be set.
CSP_POLICIES {'default-src': ["'self'"],'script-src': ["'self'", "'unsafe-inline'"],'connect-src': ["'self'"],} A disctionary of CSP policies that should be applied. Key is the name of the directive and value is a list of expressions.
USE_NEW_API False Whether to enable the new Reporting API or use the old report-uri directive
USE_SCRIPT_NONCE True Add nonce to all script tags to catch inline script violations
USE_STYLE_NONCE True Add nonce to all style tags to catch inline style violations
SESSION_KEEP_DAYS 14 The number of days sessions should be kept in the database.
IS_MASTER_COLLECTOR False Indicates if the instance should function as a central collector of CSP reports for multiple other instances.
AUTHORIZED_REPORTERS [] A list of domains that are allowed send their CSP reports to the master. Example: ['', '']
REMOTE_SECRET '' A shared secret that must be the same for the master collector and all reporters.
REMOTE_REPORTING False Wether to use a central remote collector or not.
REMOTE_CSP_OBSERVER_URL '' The URL of the remote collector instance. Must be the path to the csp_observer app, as defined in Example:
CLIENTUI_VISIBILITY always Choose if the client popup should always be visible (always) or only if a problem has been detected (minimized)
RULE_UPDATE_FILE The path to the file that contains the global rule database
RULE_UPDATE_INTERVAL 21600 The minimum number of seconds before a new rule update is allowed
VOLUNTARY_DATA_SHARING_URL The URL that the unknown report data of the data sharing is sent to.