
An extended JSON field for Django and DRF with validation support using jsonschema.

django, drf, drf-spectacular, jsonschema, rest-framework
pip install django-custom-jsonfield==1.3



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An extended JSON field for Django and Django REST framework with validation support using jsonschema.



To install the minimal version of the package, run:

pip install django_custom_jsonfield

Defining a model field

Import CustomJSONField and define your schema. Here’s an example of how to use it in a model:

from django.db import models
from django_custom_jsonfield import CustomJSONField

class Location(models.Model):
    coordinates = CustomJSONField(
            "type": "object",
            "properties": {
                "x": {"type": "number"}, 
                "y": {"type": "number"},
            "required": ["x", "y"],

Location(coordinates={"x": 45, "y": 45})  # ok
Location(coordinates={"x": 45, "z": 45})  # ValidationError

You can customize the error message, if the value didn't pass JSON schema validation:

class Location(models.Model):
    coordinates = CustomJSONField(
        error_messages={"invalid_data": "Expected x and y keys."},

DRF Serializers

To enable DRF support, install package with extras:

pip install 'django_custom_jsonfield[drf]'

You can now use CustomJSONField in DRF serializers:

from rest_framework import serializers
from django_custom_jsonfield.rest_framework.serializers import CustomJSONField

class LocationSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
    address = CustomJSONField(schema={"type": "string"})

To specify custom error message use the same positional argument as you use in models:

class LocationSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
    address = CustomJSONField(
        schema={"type": "string"}, 
        error_messages={"invalid_data": "Expected type `string`."},

OpenAPI Integration

This package includes extension for drf-spectacular, allowing your API documentation to correctly display the expected JSON schema. To access this feature, install the package with the [drf] extra.

Migrating existing data

The CustomJSONField does not impose any constraints on existing data. Therefore, you can change a field from default JSONField to CustomJSONField even if some rows violate the schema. However, it is recommended to follow these steps to ensure a smooth transition:

  1. Create a new field: add a new field of type CustomJSONField to your model.
  2. Data migration: Perform a data migration to copy the values from the old field to the new field, ensuring the data conforms to the schema.
  3. Replace the old field: Remove the old field and rename the new field to match the old field's name.

Following these steps will ensure that your data complies with the new schema.