
Short, readable datetime filters.

pip install django-dana-time==0.1


Django Dana Time Build Status

Short, readable datetime filters.


$ pip install django-dana-time


{% load danatime %}

{{ datetime_instance|danatime:"previous year format" }}


Examples are shown with en translation/formatting and no arguments to the template tag.

timedelta danatime
0 seconds now
1 second a second ago
2 - 60 seconds 2 - 60 seconds ago
1 minute a minute ago
2 - 60 minutes 2 - 60 minutes ago
1 hour an hour ago
2 - 6 hours 2 - 6 hours ago
6 - 24 hours, same day 4:26 p.m.
6 - 24 hours, yesterday 4:26 p.m. yesterday
> 24 hours, same year Aug 10
previous year 8/10/2012

Internationalization Notes

All values are internationalized and localized by default using Django's internationalization and localization support.

6 - 24 hours (same day/yesterday)

Uses defaultfilters.time, which defaults to the localized settings.TIME_FORMAT.

Example: In en, TIME_FORMAT = 'P'.

> 24 hours, same year

Uses with an argument of 'MONTH_DAY_FORMAT', the localized settings.MONTH_DAY_FORMAT.

Example: In en, MONTH_DAY_FORMAT = 'F j'.

previous year

Uses with an argument of 'n/j/Y'.

Example: 10 August 2012 is formatted as 8/10/2012.

Override this by passing an optional argument with a format to the filter tag.

previous year format examples:

Pass None to use the default, localized settings.DATE_FORMAT:

{{ mytime|danatime:None }}

Pass SHORT_DATE_FORMAT to use the localized settings.SHORT_DATE_FORMAT:

{{ mytime|danatime:"SHORT_DATE_FORMAT" }}

Pass a format string like "F j, Y" to use a custom format:

{{ mytime|danatime:"F j, Y" }}

This particular format yields August 8, 2012.

See Django's available format strings for help.


Build Status

Tested with all combinations of the latest versions of Python 2.7 and 3.4 with Django 1.7, 1.8, and 1.9.

After installing Django, run the tests with:

$ python

Install tox and run tox to test in all environments. This is what the CI does.