
A Django application to integrate with DBMI services

pip install django-dbmi-client==1.0.7


DBMI Client

DBMI Client is an app to provide common functionality needed to integrate a client application with DBMI services. DBMI services offer features like centralized authentication, custom authorizations, user management, and more. Installing this app provides view decorators and API authentication/authorization classes to easily utilize the DBMI services for your Django application.

Quick start

1. Install django-dbmi-client (not available yet)

pip install django-dbmi-client==0.1.0

2. Add "dbmi_client" to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this


3a. Configure settings for your application (dev or prod)

# Example 'prod' or 'dev' configuration

    'CLIENT': 'my-client', # This string is used to identify your app in DBMI services
    'ENVIRONMENT': 'prod|dev', # The environment setting determines the URLs of DBMI services to use

    'AUTHZ_ADMIN_GROUP': 'my-client-admin', # This optional setting will give admin permissions to users with this group
    'AUTHZ_ADMIN_PERMISSION: 'admin', # This optional setting will grant a user staff/superuser status if this permissions exists for them

    'JWT_COOKIE_DOMAIN': '', # This setting must be a subdomain of your app's public domain

    'AUTH0_CLIENT_ID': 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', # An Auth0 client to authenticate for
    'AUTH0_TENANT': 'my-client, # The Auth0 tenant identifier that your Auth0 client is registered in

    'AUTHN_TITLE': 'My Client', # A title of your app to be shown on the login screen
    'AUTHN_ICON_URL': '', # A square image to be shown on the login screen

    'DRF_OBJECT_OWNER_KEY': 'user' # If using DBMI Client DRF permissions, specify the lookup attribute by which object ownership should be referenced

3b. If running a local or test environment, configurations might look as follows

# Example local, testing, etc configuration
# You must supply the URLs of the three services. This library will throw an exception if those are not defined.
# To enable JWT claims inspection for groups/roles/permissions, you must also define the JWT claims namespace
# AUTHN_URL renders the login page so this must be resolvable by the client's browser, e.g. 'localhost:8001' if running in Docker (ensure the port is exposed)
# AUTHZ_URL and REG_URL are API only so in a Docker environment, for example, you would use their container name or defined domain name
    'CLIENT': 'my-client', # This string is used to identify your app in DBMI services
    'ENVIRONMENT': 'local', # The environment setting determines the URLs of DBMI services to use

    'AUTHN_URL': 'http://localhost:8001', # Must be resolvable by client browser
    'AUTHZ_URL': 'http://dbmiauthz:8002', # Must be resolvable from other services
    'REG_URL': 'http://dbmireg:8005', # Must be resolvable from other services

    'JWT_AUTHZ_NAMESPACE': '', The namespace for JWT claims authorizations

    'AUTHZ_ADMIN_GROUP': 'my-client-admin', # This optional setting will give admin permissions to users with this group
    'AUTHZ_ADMIN_PERMISSION: 'admin', # This optional setting will grant a user staff/superuser status if this permissions exists for them

    'JWT_COOKIE_DOMAIN': '', # This setting must be a subdomain of your app's public domain

    'AUTH0_CLIENT_ID': 'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy', # An Auth0 client to authenticate for
    'AUTH0_TENANT': 'my-client, # The Auth0 tenant identifier that your Auth0 client is registered in

    'AUTHN_TITLE': 'My Client', # A title of your app to be shown on the login screen
    'AUTHN_ICON_URL': '', # A square image to be shown on the login screen

    'DRF_OBJECT_OWNER_KEY': 'user' # If using DBMI Client DRF permissions, specify the lookup attribute by which object ownership should be referenced

4. If your site requires the User model for authenticated users, be sure to add the DBMI model backend

AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ['dbmi_client.authn.DBMIModelAuthenticationBackend', ... ]


View Authentication/Authorization

When a user visits your site, a decorated view will automatically send them to the login service if they have not yet authenticated. To limit a Django view to authenticated users:

from dbmi_client.auth import dbmi_user
from dbmi_client.authn import get_jwt_email

def secure_view(self, request, *args, **kwargs):

    # The current user's email can be retrieved
    email = get_jwt_email(request)


If an authenticated user visits an admin-only view without the proper permissions, a Django PermissionDenied exception is raised. To limit a Django view to admins only

from dbmi_client.auth import dbmi_user
from dbmi_client.authn import get_jwt_email

def ultra_secure_view(self, request, *args, **kwargs):

    # The current admin user's email can be retrieved
    admin_email = get_jwt_email(request)


To limit a view to users with your a custom app permission

from dbmi_client.auth import dbmi_permission
from dbmi_client.authn import get_jwt_email

def secure_view(self, request, *args, **kwargs):

    # The current user's email can be retrieved
    email = get_jwt_email(request)


To limit a view to users with a permission on a custom item or subitem

from dbmi_client.auth import dbmi_item_permission
from dbmi_client.authn import get_jwt_email

@dbmi_item_permission('profile.image', 'my_item_permission')
def secure_item_view(self, request, *args, **kwargs):

    # The current user's email can be retrieved
    email = get_jwt_email(request)


API Authentication/Authorization

If your application utilizes the Django Rest Framework library for API management, consider the following authentication and permission classes for controlling access.

To protect an Django-rest-framework API, you can use the built-in authentication and permission classes (this example allows users whose email is present in the object being queried or admins and users with MANAGE permission)

from rest_framework import viewsets
from dbmi_client.authn import DBMIUser
from dbmi_client.authz import DBMIOwnerPermission, DBMIManageOrOwnerPermission

class MyAPIViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
    API View for UserPermission Model.
    authentication_classes = (DBMIUser, )
    permission_classes = (DBMIOwnerPermission, DBMIManageOrOwnerPermission )

    def list(self, request, *args, **kwargs):

        # Get user email
        email = request.user


Or, a restricted API where the user model is enabled for authenticated users

from rest_framework import viewsets
from dbmi_client.authn import DBMIModelUser
from dbmi_client.authz import DBMIOwnerPermission, DBMIManageOrOwnerPermission

class MyAPIViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
    API View for UserPermission Model.
    authentication_classes = (DBMIModelUser, )
    permission_classes = (DBMIOwnerPermission, DBMIManageOrOwnerPermission )

    def list(self, request, *args, **kwargs):

        # Get user instance
        user = request.user

        # Get their email
        email =


Managing Permissions