
Authentication backend for Django that works with legacy Drupal 7 accounts.

pip install django-drupal-auth-backend==1.0.3


Drupal Authentication Backend for Django

This package provides an authentication backend that can be used to facilitate migrating users from a Drupal-based website into a Django-based web application.

Quick start

Install django_drupal_auth_backend:

$ pip install django_drupal_auth_backend

In your settings module you will need to add the new hasher to :


Migrating users

You will need to create a user entry for each user of the old system. While this will vary from application to application (depending on whether you override the default user model provided by Django), the basic step is to copy your user table into Django's user table. If you are using Postgres, you can copy the users in with something like this:

COPY INTO auth_user (username, password, email, is_active, is_staff) FROM STDIN;
user1	drupal_sha512$FYEWxwlWtUUj8uB5QN2K0X9lNrnRl/hLpN3Qp8GK7v8emyc9eRsf	t	f
user2	drupal_sha512$CsaltsaltA112iY375iFdNhp.gYEWxwlWtXdhjl.8hY7BufRTJ1u	t	f

The most important thing to note with migrated accounts is that the hashed password being migrated needs to be modified slightly. Drupal passwords are of the form:


... whereas the migrated passwords need to be of the form:


The important distinction is that the $S$ at the start of the hash needs to be converted to drupal_sha512$ for the Django authentication backend subsystem to be able to recognize it and assign it to the DrupalPasswordHasher. Note that the example table copy command above is using passwords of the right form.

Full documentation

(needs additional documentation)


Contributions are welcome.


This software is licensed under the GNU 3.0 license to comply with the Drupal license requirements for derivative works. Parts of this code are directly converted to Python from code in the Drupal project.