
A Django app to manage identities in Sorting Hat.

development, repositories, analytics, git, github, bugzilla, jira, jenkins
pip install django-hatstall==0.1



Hatstall is a web interface for SortingHat databases developed mainly with Flask

According to Harry Potter Wiki Hatstall is defined as:

A Hatstall was an archaic term for a student of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry whose sorting took more than five minutes because the Sorting Hat found them to have a personality equally suited to different Hogwarts Houses. The Sorting Hat sometimes took the student's personal preference into consideration in order to break such a tie.


Currently requirements are defined in the requirements.txt file. They are mostly:

  • Flask
  • grimoire-elk
  • grimoirelab-toolkit
  • sortinghat


Once you have the requirements installed (I recommend using a Python virtual environment), you would need a configuration file.

You can change the one provided (the app uses it by default), or create your own one.

The parameters in the file are:

  • user stands for your username for the SortingHat database
  • password stands for the password for your SortingHat database's user
  • name stands for the name of the SortingHat database you want to manage
  • host stands for the address where the SortingHat database is hosted

Once you have it, you can launch the web app using the command line:

$  python3 [-f <your configuration file>]

There is more documentation is [docs/](under development).


We are sure it is full of issues, so don't hesitate on blaming us and submitting the ones you find!

Feel free to fork it and submit merge requests. We are sure it can be improved in many ways.

Thre is more information in the CONTRIBUTING file


GPL v3


Logo is based in a combination of Bitergia's owl logo and Wizard's white hat from Thewizardplusplus