
Image upload & processing plugin built for Django

django, images, imageit, image, upload, scale, crop, resize
pip install django-imageit==0.0.6


Django ImageIt

PyPi_Version PyPi_Status Format python_versions django_versions License

Django ImageIt is a simple image handling plugin for Django that allows for scaling, upscaling and cropping of raster images. Imageit also has the capability to accept svg files if required.

Key features

  • Preview current image and new image selected for upload.
  • Scale images to fit the bounds of max_width and max_height.
  • Crop images to user defined dimensions before being scaled.
  • Option to upscale smaller images.
  • Utilises cropper.js.
  • Accepts .svg images.
  • Django Admin support.


  • Install django-imageit using pip
    pip install django-imageit
  • Add 'imageit' to INSTALLED_APPS in your
  • Import Imageit model fields to use them in your models.
    from imageit.models import ScaleItImageField, CropItImageField
    class ImageItModel(models.Model):
        scale_image = ScaleItImageField(max_width=100, max_height=100, quality=100, null=True, blank=True)
        crop_image = ScaleItImageField(max_width=1000, max_height=1000, quality=100, null=True, blank=True)
  • Available Imageit field KWARGS
    • max_width (int): Image will be scaled to the bounds of max_width in pixels (while retaining aspect ratio)
    • max_height (int): Image will be scaled to the bounds of max_height in pixels (while retaining aspect ratio)
    • quality (int): Quality in dpi of resampled images
    • max_save_size (int): Max size (mb) permitted for images after scaling/ resampling
    • upscale (bool): Upscale images to the value of max_width/max_height?


    Imageit fields inherit from the existing Django FileField. Therefore FileField arguments are also accepted (such as upload_to).


Imageit provides many options to tailor functionality specifically for your use case. While specific dimensions for scaling can be set as arguments on a field-by-field basis, Imageit also allows for project wide defaults to be set if no value is provided at the field level.

Imageit will default to 100dpi quality at maximum dimensions of 1000x1000, If you wish to use your own custom defaults, you can do so in your as follows.

Settings overrides .. code-block:: python

IMAGEIT_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE_MB = 5 IMAGEIT_MAX_SAVE_SIZE_MB = 5 IMAGEIT_DEFAULT_IMAGE_PROPS = {"max_width": 1000, "max_height": 1000, "quality": 100, "upscale": False} IMAGEIT_ACCEPTED_CONTENT_TYPES = 'image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/svg+xml' IMAGEIT_SVG_CONTENT_TYPE = 'image/svg+xml'
  • IMAGEIT_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE_MB is provided in MB, and is validated on the client side as well as on the server before cropping/scaling.
  • IMAGEIT_MAX_SAVE_SIZE_MB is provided in MB, and is validated on the server after and scaling/cropping/resampling is completed.
  • IMAGEIT_DEFAULT_IMAGE_PROPS Default properties used to scale/resample images
  • IMAGEIT_ACCEPTED_CONTENT_TYPES Content types accepted by imageit. (File mimes are validated by 3rd party FileTypes package)


It is not reccomended to allow svg file uploads to untrusted users. Imageit will allow upload of svg images if specified in your accepted content types. It must be noted that while Imageit completes checks for scripts in svg files, no guarantee of security from XSS attacks is provided.