
Pillow/Python2.7/Media-Management with the Django Admin-Interface.

pip install django-media-manager-forked==4.1.1



  • pip install django-media-manager-forked


03-04-2016 v4.1.1

  • Can delete folder with all items and folders inside it recursively.

03-04-2016 v4.1

  • Python 2.7 support added by newbie(Yusuf Ö). Poorly tested on Django(1.8.11) with Suit theme.

11-17-2014 v4.0.6

  • Gave FileBrowseField a default max_length of 255. Can be overridden in declaration.
  • Added a deconstruct method that is necessary for Django 1.7 migrations.

11-17-2014 v4.0.5

  • Made FileBrowseField.js more cautious about wether the "link" DOM object exists.

11-13-2014 v4.0.4

  • Bug fix. If value on a FileBrowseField is blank, it's set to '' in the database.

11-13-2014 v4.0.3

  • Bug fix. Field now returns None or empty string if blank.

11-13-2014 v4.0.2

  • Bug fix. Field should have had self.file = None when no file is assigned.

11-13-2014 v4.0.1

  • Urls are now encoded properly so they can be output anywhere.
  • path property of FileObject is still unencoded to ensure the filename is still available.

11-11-2014 v4.0.0

  • BREAKS BACKWARDS COMPATIBILITY: Due to the default that files are stored with relative filenames rather than absolute.
  • Uploadify is deprecated; Uses qq uploader now.
  • Still targeting Python 3 only.
  • FileBrowseFields can now integrate with imagekit as it mimics an FileField interface now.

25-08-2014 v3.4.0

  • Uses Pillow now.
  • Python 3 only now.


  • Refactor and resolved an issue on window.opener event.
  • Refactor FB_Redactor plugin.


  • Support for django-suit
  • Support for django-suit-ckeditor
  • Support for django-suit-redactor
  • Support for custom user model
  • Mandatory django version higher 1.5

Basic Installation

pip install django-media-manager-forked
  • Add filebrowser to INSTALLED_APPS.
  • Add the following line before the admin URLS:
  • (r'^admin/filebrowser/', include('filebrowser.urls'))
  • Collect static files
  • Add uploads/ folder to media folder or customize this setting

Suit support

The application have support for django-suit template. To use it add on your settings files the following config:


Filebrowser will now use templates for django suit.

Suit CKEditor/Redactor

To use filebrowser on django-suit-ckeditor or django-suit-redactor please follow the example bellow:

from django.db import models
from filebrowser.fields import FileBrowseField

class MediaPublication(models.Model):
    ckeditor = models.TextField(help_text='Editor CKEditor')
    redactor = models.TextField(help_text='Editor Redactor')
    image = FileBrowseField("Image", max_length=200, blank=True, null=True)
    image_initialdir = FileBrowseField("Image (Initial Directory)", max_length=200, directory="images/", blank=True, null=True)
    image_extensions = FileBrowseField("Image (Extensions)", max_length=200, extensions=['.jpg'],
                                   help_text="Only jpg-Images allowed.", blank=True, null=True)
    image_format = FileBrowseField("Image (Format)", max_length=200, format='Image', blank=True, null=True)
    pdf = FileBrowseField("PDF", max_length=200, directory="documents/", extensions=['.pdf'], format='Document',
                      blank=True, null=True)

    class Meta:
        ordering = ['image',]
        verbose_name = 'publication'
        verbose_name_plural = 'publications'

To use on admin you need to do some litle tweeks:
from django.contrib import admin
from django.forms import ModelForm, Media
from suit_ckeditor.widgets import CKEditorWidget
from suit_redactor.widgets import RedactorWidget

from .models import MediaPublication

class Editor(ModelForm):
    class Meta:
        widgets = {
            'ckeditor': CKEditorWidget(editor_options={'startupFocus': True}),
            'redactor': RedactorWidget(editor_options={
                'lang': 'en',
                'plugins': ['filebrowser']

    class Media:
        js = ('filebrowser/js/FB_CKEditor.js', 'filebrowser/js/FB_Redactor.js')
        css = {
            'all': ('filebrowser/css/suit-filebrowser.css',)

class AdminPublication(admin.ModelAdmin):
    form = Editor

    fieldsets = (
        (None, {
            'classes': ('suit-tab suit-tab-media',),
            'fields': ['image', 'image_initialdir', 'image_extensions', 'image_format', 'pdf'],
        ('CKEditor', {
            'classes': ('full-width',),
            'fields': ('ckeditor',)
        ('Redactor', {
            'classes': ('full-width',),
            'fields': ('redactor',)

    list_display = ('thumbnail', 'image_extensions', 'pdf')
    suit_form_tabs = (('media', 'Media'),)

    def thumbnail(self, obj):
        if obj.image:
            return '<img src="%s" />' % obj.image.url_thumbnail
            return ""
    thumbnail.allow_tags = True, AdminPublication)

The most important things are on ModelForm (Media and Widgets). To use browser on CKEditor and have the button to navigate on filebrowser you only need to add the js file to Media

For Redactor you will have to add the plugin option on the widget (plugin name is mandatory - filebrowser ) and add the css and js file to media.

That's it you are now ready to send all kind of files to ckeditor or redactor.



Please this is a work in progress. If you have ideas or want to make it better please fel free to pull requests.

  • Add more options on thumbs sizes