
The `Retriever` class is used to bridge the

django, JSON
pip install django-retriever==0.0.1


Django Retriever

The Simple Way to Interface JSON and Django


The retriever is an interface used to define how to map a JSON object to a Django model. The retriever takes care of mutating the JSON structure, connecting foreign objects, and creating or updating the resulting Django model.

There are several components that must be defined in the retriever to complete the job,

  • model the Django model with which the retriever is intended to interface
  • id the list of field names in the Django model that should be used to determine whether an object is already in the database. These can be thought of unique fields. If they are not actually unique, the retriever will react by not saving the JSON object.
  • structures the critical component of the retriever. The structures attribute is the interface between the JSON document and the Django model. The interface is a nested structure of lists and dictionaries, and must nest to a series of tuple/list objects in the following format,
    • name the name of the key in the JSON document
    • foreign_structures (defined below) the list of foreign structures to define how a key in the JSON document must be used to relate Django models
    • structures (defined below) the list of mappings to determine how the JSON document value must be mutated and saved to the Django model


  • ForeignStructure
    • model the foreign model
    • id the primary key field name in the foreign model
    • id2 the field name in the current model that is mapped to the primary key in the foreign model (id)
    • Structure the normal structure definition for the JSON document, because the value might very well map to another field on the foreign model
  • Structure
    • name the new name of the JSON document, in the case the JSON and the Django model name the field differently
    • func the mutation to perform on the JSON document. Can be one of int, str, bool, or a custom function


pip install django-retriever


Before contributing, please install the test and dev versions of the library,

pip install django-retriever[dev,test]

Please run tests using (in the root project directory)

python -m pytest tests

Once the package is ready to be uploaded, please complete the following in order,

  • Increment the version template in pyproject.toml
  • Set the PYPI_TOKEN environment variable
  • Run ./bin/twine from the root project directory


The best explanation is going to be through an implementation, so please consider the following case. The JSON object includes information about a product image, and is taken from a public API.

Consider the JSON document,

  "results": [
      "raw": {
        "ec_sku": "333333",
        "image": "https://image3.jpeg"
      "raw": {
        "ec_sku": "333333",
        "image": "https://image3.jpeg"
      "raw": {
        "ec_sku": "333333",
        "image": "https://image3.jpeg"

The JSON document should be loaded into a python object, using a parser of your choice. The following code in and is a sample that could be used to parse the JSON document into some database objects through the Django ORM.


from django.db import models

class Product(models.Model):

    id = models.AutoField(
    sku = models.CharField(

class Image(models.Model):

    product = models.ForeignKey(
    image = models.ImageField(
        # storage, etc.
    source_url = models.CharField(

from retriever import Retriever
from .models import (

class ProductRetriever(Retriever):

    model = Product
    id = ["sku"]
    structures = [
            "results": [
                    "raw": [

class ImageRetriever(Retriever):

    model = Image
    id = ["product_id", "source_url"]
    structures = [
            "results": [
                    "raw": [
                            # JSON name
                            # foreign structures
                                # foreign model
                                # id and foreign id field name
                                # normal structure, the `ec_sku` field is
                                # clearly a map to the unique field `sku`, not `id` # itself. Note that `sku` should be unique or the
                                # structure will not be created and an error should
                                # be propagated
                            # structures. Note `sku` is not in the `Image` model,
                            # we are not interested in mapping it
                            # JSON name
                            # no foreign structures
                            # map it to `source_url` field name, no
                            # mutation required

If you've loaded in the JSON document and defined the retrievers correctly, you can now simply save the JSON document to the database,

from .retrievers import *

json_object = {
    "results": [



The retrievers have used the ec_sku field in the JSON document to find the Product object that corresponds to the correct Image object. In this way, a JSON document can be decomposed into several retrievers, and the definitions can be isolated. Note, the ProductRetriever should be called before the ImageRetriever, or there will be no Product objects in the database to find.