
Lets Django's static template tag take care of precompilation

pip install django-staticfiles-precompilers==0.0.1



Simply put, this overrides the static templatetag in django.contrib.staticfiles to allow it to transparently precompile the likes of scss, sass, less and so on.

So this:

{% load staticfiles %}

<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'foo/bar.scss' %}" />

Gets rendered as this (assuming Django's STATIC_URL is /static/):

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/foo/bar.css" />

Without this library you'd simply get this:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/foo/bar.scss" />


You can install it from PyPI:

pip install django-staticfiles-precompilers


Simply add staticfiles_precompilers to INSTALLED_APPS in your Django settings. It must come before django.contrib.staticfiles, this is because it intercepts the search for the staticfiles template library and uses its own one instead.

Next, add staticfiles_precompilers.finders.PrecompilerFinder to STATICFILES_FINDERS, it should look something like this:


Now you'll want to configure STATICFILES_PRECOMPILERS, the default is currently this:

    '.scss': ('scss {infile} {outfile}', '{file_name}.css'),
    '.handlebars': ('handlebars {infile} -f {outfile}', '{file_name}.handlebars.js'),

This will likely change as I refine the API for defining precompilers. The library won't check whether you have the necessary binaries to execute the compilation, in the example above we're depending on the scss and handlebars binaries.

The config for each precompiler currently takes the form of a tuple. The first value is the terminal command to execute, the second value lets you decide what form the output filename should take. {file_name} is replaced with the path of the original file with the file extension removed.

And that's it for now. It plays nicely with ./ collectstatic and django-compressor. If you're using this with django-compressor you won't need to configure compressor's own precompilers, as this effectively removes the need for it.

How it works

When the static tag is rendered, we see if original file (assuming it exists) extension matches one of the keys in STATICFILES_PRECOMPILERS. If it does we use the precompiler configuration to generate the compiled filename and return the URL to that file instead of the original. The custom staticfiles finder takes care of generating the file when it's required.