
A TestCaseMixin utility.

tests, django
pip install django-testcase==0.1.1



Supports Django 1.10 and later, only with Python 3.4 and later.


$ pip install django-testcase

Basic usage

Simply subclass it in a TestCase:

from django.test import TestCase
from django_testcase import TestCaseMixin

class LoginViewTestCase(TestCaseMixin, TestCase):
    def test_login(self):

Available methods

.create_user(username='test', email='', password='test', is_superuser=False, *args, **kwargs)

Create a user with the given attributes. Any extra arguments passed will be passed to the creation call as is.


Allows testing Django's TestCase output system calls. Usage:

with capture_output() as sys:

In this situation, sys is a mocked object and can be tested with unittest.mock methods.

.login(username='test', password='test', create_superuser=False)

Logs the user in. If the user does not exist, it will be created, taking is_superuser into consideration.


Logs the user out.


Asserts the given user is authenticated.


Assets there is no user authenticated.

.assertRedirectsToLogin(response, next_url=None)

Asserts a given response redirects to the login page specified by settings.LOGIN_URL, with a ?next= URL if the parameter is given.

.assertIssuedMessage(response, level, message)

Checks if the message message with level level has been issued. Only an exact match is accepted.

.jpost(url, data)

Sends data as a POST payload to url.

.create(klass, *args, **kwargs)

Creates an object of class klass with the passed arguments. Calls .full_clean() before saving.

Development tasks

Install for development and with dependencies:

$ python install -e .[dev]

Asserting code quality

$ python quality

Packaging for PyPI distribution

$ python package

The build will happen if the repository passes the quality tests and is clean: no untracked files are found. If not, you can see what's wrong with git clean -dfx --dry-run and remove or track and commit those files.

Builds will be available at dist, in wheel and source.


Pull requests are welcome.