
A Django Rest Token Authentication system like telegram which will be using JWT as core with extended features.

pip install django-token-manager==1.1.2



A Django Rest Token-Based Authentication App using JWT with full control on tokens.


  • Before query database, check if token is in correct jwt format.
  • Get list of tokens for each user
  • Delete specific token
  • Delete all active tokens of user except active token
  • Fetch useful info for each token request like os, ip and ...

Why django-token-manager

Reason to use this module is that by default if you are using jwt system for token authorization of client, you don't have control on existing tokens. Of course, you can set an expiry date for each token. But if the expiration date isn't arrived yet, you can't delete this token. What happens if you want to delete all sessions of a user. With jwt you don't have control on it, and you should wait for expiration of token to be arrived.

The purpose of this package, is to give more control on jwt tokens. For this there will be a lookup_id in payload of each jwt token. First token with be validated with jwt algorithms. Then payload lookup_id will be checked on database and if available will give access. And with this solution no need to query on a big string (session string) on database, if the jwt token is valid, will just query on a db_index ed field lookup_id.


To use this package following needed. if not provided will be installed automatically.



Note: This package is well tested on django>=2.0. But if you are using older versions can be used with minor changes in structure.

install using pip:

pip install django-token-manager


Now register app in your file.


In your, add JSONWebTokenAuthentication to Django REST framework's DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION_CLASSES.


This package uses user-agents package for fetching user agent info like device OS, IP address and ... So you should register below to be able to use it:


Remember to apply migration files in database:

python migrate

working example to get Token for authentication.

curl -X POST -d "username=admin&password=admin" "http://localhost:8000/token/get/"

And to get list of tokens, Send current token via Authorization header to token/manage/ endpoit to get list of tokens.

curl -H "Authorization: JWT eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJsb29rdXBfaWQiOjUsInVzZXJfaWQiOjEsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW4iLCJleHAiOjE1OTg1MjY4MjEsImVtYWlsIjoiIn0.l6JyGgAs_hBRejX1BpvA7PjubM2m89lV35PTVUBnV_I" "http://localhost:8000/token/manage/"