
Common utilities

pip install djangocms-aldryn-common==2.0.2


Continuation of the deprecated project "Divio Aldryn common" Pypi package Status Python versions License

Aldryn Common

Continuation of the deprecated project Divio Aldryn Common.

Aldryn Common is a library of helpful utilities for packages in the Aldryn ecosystem, and is also aimed at developers of django CMS projects.

It's installed by default in your Aldryn project - you don't need to do anything to install it - and numerous other Addons will make use of the tools it provides. Feel free to make use of them in your own projects.

They include tools for:

  • pagination
  • handling slugs (cleaning, ensuring uniqueness)
  • managing times and dates

as well as a variety of helpful templatetags and more.


  • ALDRYN_COMMON_PAGINATION_SOFTLIMIT: Soft-limiting search results. If True, querying a page number larger than max. will not fail, but instead return the last available page. Default is True.